tessdbstats 1.0.2 tessdb internal stats (overview) Statistics database for processed logfile events and statistics emitted by...
tessdbserver 2.6.9 tessdb-server(overview) Linux service to collect measurements pubished by TESS Sky Quality Meter via MQTT....
tessdbreports 1.3.2 tessdb-reports (overview) Command line tool and SQL scripts to generate reports from tessdb database
tesscli 0.1.1 Tess Manage your algorithms' implementations to be run against prepared and auto-generated test...
tess 0.3.1 A 3D cell-based Voronoi library based on voro++ Code available on Github. Full...
testflows.uexpect 1.7.230414.1210501 TestFlows.com Open-Source Software Testing Framework uExpect Minimal module to provide expect-like capabilities to...
testflows.texts 2.0.211217.1011222 TestFlows-Texts Use testflows.texts Python module to help you write auto verified software documentation...
a2yhuazhuang 0.9 Python Module: a2y_huazhuang a2y_huazhuang 模块提供一些针对东莞市华庄电子有限公司的专用功能。始于荣文部分产品由华庄代工,需要对接华庄的 MES 系统。
a2yhidcom 1.1.2 Python Module: a2y_hidcom a2y_hidcom 实现内核科技 USB(HID)转多通道UART 的驱动程序。
a2yhengchangsheng 0.8.4 Python Module: a2y_hengchangsheng a2y_hengchangsheng 模块提供一些针对深圳恒昌盛的专用功能。
a2yhandy 2.0.1 Python Module: a2y_handy 这个模块包含各种各样不好分类的工具函数、类。 ChangeLog 2024-08-08 修正对 xlrd...
a2yfef 0.9.12 Python Module: a2y_mew a2y_mew模块实现了扩展的Mewtocol通信协议。原始的Mewtocol来自Panasonic,用于其FP系列PLC与上位机、触摸屏等设备通信。 本模块在以下方面对Mewtocol进行了扩展: 地址空间从8位整数扩展为不定长,最高可达32位。为了兼容性,最小为8位,在报文中至少占两个字节。 通讯方式从半双工增强为全双工,即主从双方可以同时发送数据。当从设备发生了某个事件(例如,输入点发生了变化),可以主动给主机发送报文。
a2yfa 0.8.4 Python Module: a2y_fa a2y_fa模块为工厂自动化提供一些工具,方便控制各种自动化设备。
a2ycv 0.8.3 Python Module: a2y_cv 此模块提供一些图像处理、计算机视觉工具,基于OpenCV和NumPy。
a2ycppyy 0.8.0 Python Module: a2y_cppyy 这个模块是为了避免cppyy模块的“include”函数在使用Cython编译时造成编译出错的问题。 嗯,“include”是C语言的关键字。
a2ybuilda2y 1.2.0 Python Module: a2y_builda2y 这个模块包含了一些用于构建 Python 模块的小工具。 Build 安装...
a2yatsui 0.9.6 Python Module: a2y_atsui a2y_atsui模块实现了a2y_ats模块所需要的UI部分。本模块只是图形界面,没有提供实质功能,通常不会单独使用。用户应使用a2y_ats模块提供的自动化测试框架。
a2y 0.8.0 Python Module: a2y 这个模块的存在只是为了简化a2y系列模块的安装:只要安装a2y包,所有a2y系列的包都将一次性全部安装。 是的,a2y模块依赖了其他所有a2y包。但它本身没有提供任何实质性的功能。
a2ln 1.1.14 Android 2 Linux Notifications Server Android 2 Linux Notifications (A2LN) is a way to...
tensorflowfederatednightly 0.19.0.dev20220218 TensorFlow Federated (TFF) is an open-source framework for machine learning andother computations on decentralized data....
TensorFlowASR 2.1.0 TensorFlowASR :zap: ...
teradatamlwidgets Teradata Widgets teradatamlwidgets makes available to Python users a user interface to a collection...
tenzir 4.20.3 Tenzir Python The Python package of Tenzir provides a flexible control plane to integrate...
tensorataco 0.1.2 TACO CLI interface for Tensora This Python package provides a Python wrapper around the...
tensora 0.3.0 Tensora A fast and easy-to-use dense/sparse tensor library for Python. Evaluate arbitrary tensor expressions...
templateapp 0.1.9 templateapp Provide a standard method to generate template for parsing text. Disclaimer: This...
TemporalBackbone 0.1.6 A tool to detect the backbone in temporal networks An efficient and fast tool...
tempoo 1.2.0 Tempoo Install pip install tempoo
tempestlib 1.0.0 ===========tempest-lib===========OpenStack Functional Testing Library* Free software: Apache license* Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest-lib* Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tempest-lib* Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/tempesttempest-lib is...
tempesthorizon 1.1.0 Team and repository tags tempest-horizon Tempest Plugin...
temperpy 0.0.4 temper.py The USB temperature and temperature/humidity sensors sold by PCsensor are widely available...
temboardagent 8.2.1 temBoard Agent This project contains the service monitoring and managing one PostgreSQL instance....
temboard 8.2.1 Monitor, optimize and configure multiple PostgreSQL instances.
teleinforeader 0.1.3 TeleInfo Reader Application used to read the user data transmitted by Linky meter system...
telegramwalletpay 0.8.1 Telegram Wallet Pay Python async client for Telegram Wallet Pay API made of aiohttp...
telegramupload 0.7.1 telegram-upload Telegram-upload uses your personal Telegram account to upload and download files up to...
telgine 0.2.1 telgine is the python telegram bot framework Установка Поддерживаемая версия - Python 3.10...
telegramnotifierbot 1.0.0 telegram_notifier_bot - v1.0.0 A simple package to send notifications to a Telegram user or...
teleterm 0.1.1
telegrafpyplug 0.3.0 Problem Telegaf is a plugin-driven agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics....
telebotties 0.0.5 Telebotties Create and share robots with real-time remote controls Stream to...
tealc 0.2.0 tealc tealc is a command-line Tension Estimate cALCulator for stringed instruments. Users can...
taupe 1.2.0 Taupe A simple program to extract the URLs of your tweets, retweets, replies, quote...
tdm 0.1.0 Software tools for the TDM Project (http://www.tdm-project.it/en).
tastypie spore docs 0.1.9 tastypie_spore_docs======.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/tastypie_spore_docs.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tastypie_spore_docs/ :alt: Latest Version.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/tastypie_spore_docs.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tastypie_spore_docs/ :alt:...
TASMANIANDEVIL 0.1.0 # INTRODUCTIONWe have developed The Algorithm for Simplified Metabolic ANalysIs by Altering Networks and Deducing...
tcrutils 12.0.275 TCRUtils Useful stuff for tcr projects. TODO: Add here an index of best...
Configize 1.0.1 configize Python library to find and fetch YAML configuration for a program, respecting the...
configbutler 0.1.4 This tool is an extensible framework that provides an ability to manage server configuration...
confection 0.1.5 Confection: The sweetest config system for Python confection :candy: is a lightweight library that...
compressedrtf 1.0.6 Compressed Rich Text Format (RTF) compression and decompression package Based on Rich Text Format...
CompressedFisher 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
concurimgui 1.3.9 Builds: (Windows) (OS X & Linux) This is...
tapioca 0.1.28 Tapioca is a small and flexible micro-framework on top of Tornado. It provides a...
tangier api 1.2.3.dev0 88888888888 d8888888b 888 .d8888b. 888888888888888888888888b. d88888888888b.8888888 888 d888888888b 888d88P Y88b 888 888 888...
talons 0.3 # Talons == Falcon Hooks [](https://travis-ci.org/talons/talons)Talons is a library of WSGI middleware that is...
tahrirmessages 2.0.1 tahrir messages A schema package for tahrir. See the detailed documentation on packaging...
tahrir 2.1.0 Tahrir Tahrir is a Flask application used by the Fedora Project for issuing...
tahoelafs 1.19.0 Tahoe-LAFS (Tahoe Least-Authority File Store) is the first free software / open-source storage technology that...
tailwindpie 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
tadrep 0.9.2 TaDReP: Targeted Detection and Reconstruction of Plasmids TaDReP is a tool for the rapid...
tactic 0.0.1 Tactics2D
tablesnap 1.2.1 Tablesnap is a script that uses inotify to monitor a directory for IN_MOVED_TO events and...
tabgenie 0.0.1 🧞 TabGenie: A Toolkit for Table-to-Text Generation Demo 👉️ https://quest.ms.mff.cuni.cz/rel2text/tabgenie TabGenie provides tools...
tabCompletion 1.0.0 Tab Auto-Completion (requires pynput Package, getch and runs in python3 )...
T2GEORES 0.2.3 # T2GEORES It is a library to manage input and output files during the...
sytd 1.0.10 Simple YouTube Downloader Installation Currently there is only support...
systemdstopper 0.1.0 systemd-stopper is a small library for conveniently handling the systemctl stop operation in Python application...
synoindexwatcher 0.11.5 Synoindex Watcher - Automated media index updates Synoindex Watcher is a media index updater...
syskit 0.2.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sysinfolib 0.0.1 sysinfolib Library for obtaining system information and user information. ...
sysfsgpio 0.3.0 sysfsgpio Python GPIO library, using Linux sysfs interface. This is a fork of trimarlib-sysfsgpio
sysframe 0.4.1 Sysframe A collection of modules useful for low-level development tasks. Introduction This...
SynGenes 1.0.2 SynGenes Welcome to the SynGenes Documentation!
SynFlood 1.1.4 SynFlood Description This package implements a SYN flood attack (DOS attack: Denial Of...
synergyservice 1.5.3 Synergy is as a new extensible general purpose management OpenStack service. Its capabilities are...
synergyschedulermanager 2.6.0 The Scheduler Manager Synergy is as a new extensible general purpose management OpenStack service.
syphon 2.0.1 Syphon A CSV data storage and management engine.
syncsterioc 0.1.2 Synchro-State Tracking IOC This is a simple IOC...
syncstar 0.1.0 SyncStar Service for creating bootable USB storage devices at community conference kiosks Instruction
syncs3 0.1.1 syncs3 To give a document sync experience(and eficciency) like 'repo sync', or 'awscli s3...
synthforc 0.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
CollinImports 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
collectdpuppet 2.0.0 Configuration TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/puppet_types.db" <LoadPlugin python> Globals true </LoadPlugin> ...
collectdflashcache 0.1.0 UNKNOWN
collectdeos 0.2.1 Collectd plugin to collect EOS metrics. Connects to a mgm instance using eos client...
collectdcvmfs 1.3.3 Collectd Module for CvmFS Configuration Example: TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/collectd_cvmfs.db" <Plugin...
collectdceilometerplugin 1.0.1 OpenStack Ceilometer plugin for collectd. This plugin for collectd publishes telemetry data gathered by...
collageradiomicstypes 0.2.1.dev21 Co-occurrence of Local Anisotropic Gradient Orientations (CoLlAGe) Table of Contents Science
collageradiomicstypes 0.2.1.dev26 Co-occurrence of Local Anisotropic Gradient Orientations (CoLlAGe) Table of Contents Science
collageradiomicscore Setup scripts and code for the collageradiomics pip module.
collageradiomicscli 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
collageradiomics 0.3.8 Setup scripts and code for the collageradiomics pip module.
collabme 0.1.2 UNKNOWN
ColabGeek 1.3.7 ColabGeek ColabGeek Python package is designed to help run useful...
coko 1.0.17 Sometimes you have a directory full of files you want to overwrite periodically. You...
cojo.cryptography 42.0.8 cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers. Our...
coinshot 3.2.2 A simple Python module for Pushover.net Example See example.py for full...
statsbiblioteket.harvest 1.1.4rc0 Free software: MIT license Documentation: http://python-harvest.readthedocs.io/ Features
staticx 0.14.1 StaticX Bundle dynamic executables with their library dependencies...