cfgtree 1.1.1 Free software: MIT Documentation: Source: Description
cfgpie 3.0.3 cfgpie Simplified ConfigParser setup. This module automates, to some extent, the setup of...
cfgexplorer 0.0.2 cfg-explorer CFG explorer is...
cf s3field 0.0.4 Django has ImageField and FileField which can be used for file and image operations....
cfdna 2.1.4 Cell-free DNA analysis toolkit This is a Python package for easy and...
cfchecker 4.1.0 # CF Checker The CF Checker is a utility that checks the contents of...
cerializer 1.4.0 Cerializer Cerializer is an Avro de/serialization library that aims at providing an...
cexi 0.0.3 Cee EXtensions Interpolation Rationale cexi aims to facilitate developing of C extension for...
cephdu 1.0.3 CephFS disk usage A du like utility to estimate file space usage that utilizes...
certbotdnsyandex 0.0.3 certbot-dns-yandex forked from upstream and modified a bit to support yandex dns API :)
certbotdnswedos 2.3 CertBot DNS plugin This plugin uses certbot's dns-01 challenge to create and delete TXT...
certbotdnswebsupport 2.0.1 certbot-dns-websupport DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot This plugin automates the process of...
sopellichess 0.2.1 Lichess plugin for Sopel (Lichess URL handler). This plugin handle URL from for:
sopelipython 0.1.0 sopel-ipython IPython console plugin for Sopel IRC bots Requirements sopel-ipython requires the...
sopeliplookup 1.1.0 Sopel plugin .ip command: 16:22 <SnoopJ> !ip 16:22 <testibot> [IP/Host Lookup] Downloading...
sonopod 0.1.2 A simple command line podcast player for Sonos why? This little...
somasongs 1.0.3 Soma Songs Save songs from as JSON.
somanettestsuite 1.1.5 All modules to make successful and complete testing of SOMANET modules possible. Even though...
somanetpackageinstaller 0.0.12 # SOMANET Package InstallerInstall SOMANET motion drive package to an EtherCAT slave.## PrerequisiteThe Linux OS...
somagic 0.7.1 Self-Organising Map inference, data encoding, high performance, easy to use ...
somaalissonrodrigov2 0.0.1 Selenium automation
somaalissonrodrigo 0.0.1 Selenium automation
somaalissonrod 0.0.1 Selenium automation
soms 1.0 # soms - A package that can help to do blackbox monitoring by providing metrics...
SolrAPI 1.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
solacepubsubplus 1.8.0 This package contains the Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Python. The Solace PubSub+ Messaging...
solightdy08 1.0.0 Python Solight DY08 library for Raspberry Pi This library allows you to control Solight...
solightdy05 1.0.0 Python Solight DY05 library for Raspberry Pi This library allows you to control Solight...
solightdy01 1.0.0 Python Solight DY01 library for Raspberry Pi This library allows you to control Solight...
softworks 0.4.0 Softworks Software and documentation...
solidlibs 2.7.0 solidlibs package The solidlibs package includes shared enhancements and utilities for your python projects.
sodasqltrino 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodasqlsqlserver 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodasqlsnowflake 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodasqlredshift 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodasqlpostgresql 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodasqlhive 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodasqldenodo 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodasqldbt 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodasqlcore 2.2.2 Soda SQL Data testing, monitoring and profiling for SQL accessible data. ...
sodasqlbigquery 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodasqlathena 2.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sodacore 3.3.22 The author of this package has not provided a project description
socketlogreceiver 24.3.0b0 Socket Log Receiver socket_log_receiver is a light-weight socket log receiving server. The server...
socketless 0.4.0 Socketless is a an asynchronous TCP messaging library for implementing communication using messages and...
socketfromfd 0.2.0 socketfromfd is an enhanced version of socket.fromfd() from Python’s standard library. It uses...
socketcanxcp 1.0.0 socketcan-xcp Documentation A python 3 interface to Universal Measurement...
socketcanuds 1.0.1 socketcan-uds Documentation A python 3 implementation of Unified Diagnostic...
socha 3.5.0 Python-Client für die Software-Challenge Germany 2025 ...
soccertwos 0.1.14 Soccer-Twos Gym Environment A pre-compiled Soccer-Twos environment with multi-agent Gym-compatible wrappers and a human-friendly...
snowflakeintegration 0.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
snxvpnfix 1.5.1 By Ralf Schlatterbeck This is a project to connect to a Checkpoint SSL-VPN from...
snxtray 0.0.7 SNX Tray Tray Icon for snx Install pip install snxtray Ubuntu...
snstorch 0.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
snstoolbox 1.5.2 Documentation is available on ReadTheDocs at
snoopylogcollator 0.7.2 Snoopy-log-collator collates the log files from snoopy, producing a summary of what programs have...
snoopybv 2.1.1 Snoopy library Documentation and tutorials : Snoopy is an open source library...
snowtools 2.0.1 Snowtools snowtools is a series of mostly python scripts that are designed to make...
sneakpeek 0.9.0 SneakPeek A python module and a minimalistic server to generate link previews.
sneakpeak 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
snmpcmds 1.0 snmp-cmds is a python library for communicating with a target device through SNMP
snl 1.1 A SIP library Installing Install and update using pip: pip...
snippy 0.11.0 Snippy I can’t remember how - I just remember what.
sniffio 1.3.1 sniffio: Sniff out which async library your code is running under You’re writing a...
snifferpositivedegree 0.1.8 Mark-II-sniffer Small piece of software running on-board (Omega2S+) sniffers to gather sensors data and...
snappyzones 0.0.8 Snappy Zones FancyZones for Linux This project is an attempt to emulate the...
snappersystemdboot 0.1.0.dev2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
snet 0.0.0 # snet python package of snet for public release snet performs scattering transform...
SNE lab 0.1.5 This module aims to implement Structured Neural Embedding, a novel multi-task multi-label predictor, upon...
snekmate 0.1.0 🐍 snekmate State-of-the-art, highly...
smug 0.6b1 Smug is a live-editing content system backed by a Git repository. It behaves like a...
snaketest 0.0.4 snaketest instalation: pip install snaketest runing A small package to help...
snakespace 0.1.12 __ █▀▀ █▀▀▄ █▀▀█ █░█ █▀▀ █▀▀ █▀▀█ █▀▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ _______ /*_>-<...
smst 0.3.1 UNKNOWN
snake nupic 0.0.7.dev0 pains and desires are the compelling force which droves livings to acta testcase called...
smsgateway 0.1.9 SMS Gateway API This repository contains a Python web application providing an API for...
snakecycles 0.1 Parse snakefood’s output to detect import cycles. Usage: sfood | snakecycles
smartredisstorage 0.1.1 smart_redis_storage 0.1.1 Redis storage manager. ...
smartrandom 0.2.1 smartrandom v0.2.1 Random Data Generators: Random data generators. Allows you to...
smartpy 0.2.2 smartpy is an open-source Python version of the catchment model SMART (Soil Moisture Accounting...
smartprinter 0.2.1 smartprinter
smaMPP 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
smallgrad 1.0.2 smallgrad smallgrad is a minimalistic engine that implements backpropagation from scratch for neural networks....
SmallDevops 1.2.1 SmallDevops Small local/offline continuous developpement for python (currently for unittest only) with no dependency.
smacom 1.0.2 []( []( ## SmaCOM PythonCLI
slimDNS 1.0.0rc2 slimDNS A simple DNS server written in vanilla Python. slimDNS documentation
slurmy 1.3.1 SLURMY - Special handLer for Universal Running of Multiple jobs, Yes! Slurmy is a...
slurmutils 0.7.0 slurmutils Utilities and APIs for interfacing...
slurmtoys 1.0.1 A collection of slurm command line tools and wrappers mostly found on github
slurmtop 0.0.4 slurmtop is a refreshing and intuitive terminal interface for monitoring SLURM clusters. Get an...
slurmops 0.0.1 SlurmOps NVIDIA/DeepOps on AWS EC2. Usage WIP Contributing...
slurmgpustat 0.0.15 slurm_gpustat slurm_gpustat is a simple command line utility that produces a summary of GPU...
slurmcola 0.0.2 Slurm Cola Slurm, the number-one soft drink of the future, is refreshingly addictive....
slugs 1.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
SLTev 1.2.3 # SLTev SLTev is an open-source tool for assessing the quality of spoken language...
slpkg 5.1.2 About Slpkg is a software package manager that installs, updates and removes packages on...
slicereg 0.0.1a0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sLOUT 0.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
slotty.datasimulator 0.1dev # What is it? A slotty plugin for simulating the carrera racing unit
slotty 0.1dev # BootstrapIn order to start developement it is a good idea to first create a...