chore 0.8.16 Description The Chore dispatcher is a multi-job scheduler module for sending jobs to different
chordlabels 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
chirho 0.2.0 Causal Reasoning with ChiRho ChiRho is a causal extension to the Pyro probabilistic programming
chiff 0.3.1 Chiff CLI Chiff is a tool that allows you to...
CHIPIO 0.7.1 CHIP_IO============================A CHIP GPIO libraryDebian File Installation:There are now pre-compiled binary deb files for the CHIP...
chia 2.5.0 CHIA: Concept Hierarchies for Incremental and Active Learning ...
chi1chi2 0.9.5 chi1chi2 program The aim of the program is to calculate linear (refractive indices)...
chineseEasyWordcloud 0.0.1 中文简易词云(chineseEasyWordcloud) 中文简易词云是一个Python库,旨在帮助初学者更轻松地制作中文词云。 注意: 请务必指定字体路径,否则默认字体无法正确显示中文 安装 你可以使用 pip命令来安装该库: pip install chineseEasyWordcloud
ChiMeragsmr 2.0.0 ChiMera: An easy-to-use pipeline for Genome-based Metabolic Network reconstruction, evaluation, and visualization. ...
CherryPie 1.0.0 _____ _ _____ _ | | |_ ___ ___ ___ _ _| _ |_|___
chemblwebresourceclient 0.10.9 Documentation and repository: This is the only official Python client library developed and...
chembl migration model 0.9.6 chembl_migration_model======.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest Version.. image:: :target: :alt:...
chembl extras 0.9.7 chembl_extras======.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest Version.. image:: :target: :alt: Downloads.....
chembl compatibility 2.1.3 chembl_compatibility======This is chembl_compatibility package developed at Chembl group, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK.This package provides a...
cheerled 1.0 Description This library provides an API to send messages to a SLC16H-IR/Cheer-led device....
check systemd 4.1.0 check_systemd check_systemd is a Nagios / Icinga monitoring plugin to check...
chdrspy 0.1.5 chd-rs-py Extremly basic Python bindings to chd-rs. pip install chd-rs-py ...
chdimage 0.2.1 This small project is a binding to the chd part of the rust project imageparse...
checkMyApp 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
chatora.util 0.2.5 chatora.util Helper utilities for python. Changelog 0.2.5 (2019-07-07) Add...
chatora.elasticsearchext 7.0.1 chatora.elasticsearch_ext Elasticsearch library for Python on top of elasticsearch-py. Changelog 7.0.1 (2019-07-26)
chatora.dispatch 0.1 chatora.dispatch Multiple argument dispatching for Python. Usage Transform a function into a...
chatora.confluentkafkaext 0.4 chatora.confluent_kafka_ext Apache Kafka and Schema Registry client libraries for Python on top of confluent-kafka-python.
chatora.appconfig 0.1 chatora.app_config Application config utilities for python. Changelog 0.1 (2019-05-01) ...
checkitbaby 1.8 Checkitbaby Definition Checkitbaby is a tool to allow automatic test validations in a...
chaoshentoolbox 1.0.0 # chaoshen-toolbox 这是我为了日常快速开发写的一些脚本,这是将来成为大佬的小小见证 快速安装 `shell pip install git+ # or pip install...
chargepower 0.1.1 charge-power A small utility to track power consumed or provided to the device battery.
channeling 0.0.13 channeling Discord bot with goal to boost server social activity.
changewords 1.0.3 Simply python tool to change or replace the text string in the files. This...
chaperone 0.3.9 Chaperone is a lean, full-featured top-level system manager, similar to init, systemd, and others,...
change 0.0.1 github | PyPi | ReadTheDocs change
chameleonlog 0.2.0 Python logging setup library which can choose the best available handler for an environment to...
chainmanager 0.1.2 Mayas Gestor
cgxsh 1.0.2b1 cgxsh (Preview) CloudGeniX SHell...
cfrainbow 0.1.1 CFRainbow Implementations Of Counterfactual Regret Minimization In Its Many Shapes & Colors
cformatter42 0.2.7 c_formatter_42 C language prettier that conforms to 42 norm v3. I know you...
cfoauthlib 3.1.0 OAuthLib
cgrputil 1.0.1 cgrputil cgrputil is python library to calculate cpu utilisation of code over specific time...
cgnswrapper 0.5.2 Introduction CGNS Wrapper (cgns_wrapper) provides you a Python interface for CFD General Notation...
cgcsdk 1.0.18 Comtegra GPU Cloud CLI Client Basic info CGC Clinet is complete solution to...
cftime 1.6.4 cftime Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python ...
cexwebuyapi 0.0.2 # CeX WeBuy API Wrapper for CeX WeBuy API import cex_webuy_api print(cex_webuy_api.get_product(“len1321”))...
certifisystemstore 3021.3.16 certifi-system-store, a certifi hack to use system trust store certifi-system-store is a replacement and...
certbotroute53 0.2.0 This package is a simple shim around [certbot-dns-route53]( for backwards compatibility.
certbotplugincloudns 0.0.1a0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotnextlayer 1.0.0 certbot-nextlayer next layer DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot. This plugin is built from...
certbotdnstransipsimple 1.1.0 certbot-dns-transip transip_ DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot This plugin automates the process of...
certbotdnstencentcloud 2.0.2 certbot-dns-tencentcloud This package provides a Certbot authenticator plugin that can complete the DNS-01...
certbotdnssubdomainprovider 1.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotdnsstrato 0.2.2 Certbot DNS Plugin for This plugin is based on the strato-certbot by Buxdehuda.
certbotdnsselectelv2 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotdnsselectelapiv2 0.3.0 The certbot_dns_selectel_api_v2.dns_selectel_api_v2 plugin automates the process of completing a dns-01 challenge (~acme.challenges.DNS01) by...
certbotdnsscaleway 0.0.7 Scaleway DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot This plugin automates the process of completing a...
certbotdnssakuracloud 2.11.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotdnsrackspace 0.0.1.dev2 certbot-dns-rackspace Certbot plugin for ACME DNS-01 Challenge on Rackspace Cloud DNS Usage...
certbotdnspowerdnsbbr 0.1.2 Certbot DNS Authenticator for PowerDNS PowerDNS DNS Autenticator plugin for Certbot DNS-01 challenge....
certbotdnsplesk 0.3.0 certbot-dns-plesk plesk Authenticator plugin for Certbot. This...
certbotdnspdns 0.1.1 Certbot DNS Authenticator for PowerDNS PowerDNS DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot. This plugin...
certbotdnsownadmin 1.0.3 certbot-dns-ownadmin OwnAdmin Authenticator plugin for Certbot. This plugin is built from the ground...
certbotdnsovh 2.11.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotdnsonecloud 0.1.0 Use the certbot client to generate a certificate using onecloud. Prepare an...
certbotdnsnsone 2.11.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotdnsnodeup 1.1.7 Certbot plugin for authentication using Nodeup API This is a plugin for Certbot that...
certbotdnsngenix 0.0.2 NGENIX DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot This plugin automates the process of completing a...
certbotdnsnextlayer 1.1.2 certbot-dns-nextlayer next layer DNS...
pinguinocloud 0.1.4 Pinguino Cloud Protocol Handler===============================
pingit 0.1a1 PNIGIT - PINGIT Is Not a Git Indexing Tool
piMCP4725 0.1.3 A Python module for the Raspberry Pi to interface with the MCP4725 I²C Digital-to-Analogue Converter.
piMCP342x 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pimaton 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
PieCrustHoedown 0.1.0 This plugin for PieCrust lets you use Hoedown Markdown via Misaka for faster Markdown...
piina219 1.4.1 This Python library supports the INA219 voltage, current and power monitor sensor from...
picostack 0.1.10 # picostackA super lightweight KVM virtualization manager suitable for single linux-based host system. A motivation...
picosnitch 1.0.3 Picosnitch 🔔 Receive notifications whenever a new program connects to the network,...
PietInterpreter 1.0.7 The author of this package has not provided a project description
picamip 1.2.0b0 Picamip Python simple Raspberry-Pi camera module web interface
picamerax 24.3.21 PiCamera + Extras This package provides a pure Python interface to the Raspberry Pi...
picamerab 1.13b1 This package provides a pure Python interface to the Raspberry Pi camera module for...
picamera2 0.3.21 Picamera2 Picamera2 is currently available here as a beta release. This means...
piboothlcddisplay 2.0.0 pibooth-lcd-display is a plugin for the pibooth application. Add any...
piboothflashled 1.1.1 pibooth-flashled pibooth-flashled is a plugin for the pibooth...
pi74HC595 1.2.3 pi74HC595 Allows for easy use of the 74HC595 Shift Register with a Raspberry Pi
Pi5Neo 1.0.5 Pi5Neo Simplifying NeoPixel LED Control on Raspberry Pi 5 via SPI (GPIO 10)...
pi3smartworkspace 0.1.21 About Simple program that looks through the i3 config and finds the bound workspaces...
physiognomy 0.2.2 # Physiognomy Manifesto All hail god of physiognomy! Long live physiognomy! May the king...
PhyREC 0.6.6 Library for electrphysiological analysis based on neo
ccpluginugrid 0.1.0 []( UGRID Compliance Checker PluginThis is a checker for [UGRID]( complianceIt works with the...
ccpluginncei 2.0.2 # NCEI Template Compliance CheckerThis is a checker for [NCEI netCDF Templates v1.1]( and [v2.0](
ccpluginglider 2.0.3 GliderDAC Compliance Checker Plugin This ioos/compliance-checker plugin supports the following sources and...
ccore 0.2.8 ccore by Python CAPI Extention Library Overview TODO Goal...
cdiscosvd 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cdisco 0.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cctrustedbase 0.5.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ccspy 0.0.16 A CCS PACKAGE
cbfa 0.0.6 A bit of dummy patching for FastAPI, class-based handlers. So far without self support....
caworker 0.1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cavaliercontourspython 0.0.1 cavaliercontours-python A python binding for the CavalierContours C++ library.
caspyr 1.1.1 Cinchingly awesome scripts of Pythonic rapture. Packages ...
casino 0.1.0 Quantum Monte Carlo package The Pycasino program implements some of the methods from the...
cargo2rpm 0.1.17 cargo2rpm cargo2rpm implements a translation layer between cargo and RPM. It provides a...