pyans 0.1.5 __________ \______ \___.__._____ ____ ______ | ___< | |\__ \ / \ /...
pyan3new 1.2.1 Generate approximate call graphs for Python programs. Pyan takes one or more Python source...
pyan3 1.2.0 Generate approximate call graphs for Python programs. Pyan takes one or more Python source...
pyAMI 4.1.3 For more information see the full pyAMI documentation pyAMI 4 is a major...
pyallel 1.2.3 Pyallel Run and handle the output of multiple executables in pyallel (as in parallel)
pyaligner 0.1.3 Pyaligner PyAligner is a python library to automatically transcribe audio...
pyactp 0.1.10 Python bindings for the Adaptive Clearing Tool Path Library
pyA20SOM 0.2.1 This package provide methods for controlling GPIO pins, I2C and SPI buses.This is written for...
pyA20Lime2 0.2.1 This package provide methods for controlling GPIO pins, I2C and SPI buses. This is...
pyA20Lime 0.2.1 This package provide methods for controlling GPIO pins, I2C and SPI buses.This is written for...
pyA20EVB 0.2.1 This package provide methods for controlling GPIO pins, I2C and SPI buses.This is written for...
pyA20 0.2.12 Description The package provide methods for controlling GPIO pins, I2C and SPI buses....
py3statuspewpew 0.2 py3status-pewpew A py3status module turning the PewPew into a controller and external workspace display...
py3statusjenkinsstatus 0.0.11 py3status-jenkins-status A py3status module displays the current status of jenkins jobs.
py3statusfbox 0.1.2 py3status-fbox Python module to monitor freebox activity in py3status bars Prerequisites This...
py3nvml 0.2.7 Documentation also available at readthedocs. Python 3 compatible bindings to the NVIDIA Management Library....
pxsas 1.2 pxsas is a simple Python 3 wrapper for the XMM-Newton Science Analysis System (SAS).
py3dpolysle 2023.3 3DPolyS-LE 3D Polymer Simulation of chromosome folding by modeled loop extrusion, boundary elements and...
pxlDB 1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pxc200 1.0 UNKNOWN
pwutils 0.0.1 Python module and command line tools for manipulating passwords. NOTE: PWUtils requires Python 3....
codeforcesdl !!! Attention : Please install competitive-dl instead of this one . It has a lot...
codedeploy monitor 0.1 CodeDeployMonitor is a little tool that can create new deployments for AWS CodeDeploy,...
codedatashare 0.1.0 Introduction The main goal of code-data-share-for-python is to improve the efficiency of importing...
cockpitapi 0.3.1 Cockpit CMS API
cobblr 0.1.4 cobblr This is a package for simple client-broker and client-client communications using the...
codar2netcdf 0.0.2 # codar2netcdf []( CODAR Total ASCII files (the final total current speed and directionof...
cncdpackage 0.1.3 Download pip install cncd-package Loading the QC checks class from cncd_package.QC import...
cmflib 0.0.92 CMF CMF (Common Metadata Framework) collects and stores information associated with Machine Learning (ML)...
cmdrouter 0.0.1 github PyPi cmdrouter reserved for self usage purpose
cmdroute github PyPi cmdroute reserved for self usage purpose
cmsestate 1.0.6 cms_estate Stable version 1.0.6 This script can...
cmderelinpf 2.2.3 Cmder 这是一款命令行模式下运行的命令生成框架。目标是帮助渗透测试人员快速生成测试命令。并且记录所选择的参数,方便下次使用。 特色 自定义的命令语法,可以快速添加自定义的命令。 自动记录上一次输入结果,并显示在推荐中 手动定义推荐变量
cmakesetuptools 0.1.3 CMake Setuptools A small library of setuptools extensions to ease building python packages which...
cmakesetup 0.1.1 CMake Setuptools A small library of setuptools extensions to ease building python packages which...
cmd3 3.2.0 cmd is an extension for the CMD class with the following features: ...
ClusterShell 1.9.2 ClusterShell is an event-driven open source Python framework, designed to run local or distant...
clusterpack 0.3.8 cluster-pack cluster-pack is a library on top of either pex or conda-pack to make...
cloudsteak CloudSteak - Cloud Tools by The1bit Change log - version...
cloudsnake 0.4.0 [!WARNING] There is no "stable" version published on pypip yet. This tool is under...
cloudsmithclitestfork 0.29.0 Cloudsmith CLI
cloudsmithcli 1.2.5 Cloudsmith Command Line Interface (CLI)
cloudshepherd 2.0.5 Shepherd A.k.a. cloud-shepherd. This is a tool for controlling a stable of hosts...
clrmagic 0.0.1a2 IPython cell magic to use .NET languages (C#, VB.NET, F#) from jupyter notebooks:
cloudpulse 2016.1.1 a Health-Checking Service for OpenStack deployments. Free software: Apache license Documentation:...
cloudmeshgit 5.0.9 Documentation
cloudmesh cmd3light 1.0.0
cloudmesh client 4.7.3 Cloudmesh client is a simple client to enable access to multiple cloud environments...
cloudmesh base 3.5.2 A set of helper functions that are used in cloudmesh but are also...
cloudmeshbar 5.0.20 Cloudmesh Command bar
cloudmeshapptainer 5.0.3 Cloudmesh Command apptainer
cloudmeshabstract 5.0.2 Cloudmesh Abstract ...
cloudmesh 2.3.2 Documentation: The documentation is located on two places. The best way to start is
cloudkittytempestplugin 3.0.0 This project defines a tempest plugin containing tests used to verify the functionality of...
cloudio 1.0.1 cloud_io Purpose Handle I/O from cloud buckets
cloud inquisitor 2.2.0 Please see for more information
clorepynvml 11.5.4 Python bindings to the NVIDIA Management Library Provides a Python interface to GPU management...
clops 0.1.1 Installation pip install clops Usage #! /usr/bin/env python3
clname 1.0.0 clname usage: clname [OPTION]... FILE... Clean the name(s) of the FILE(s)...
cliwordle 0.0.1 Wordle Wordle in Terminal Installation python -m pip install cli-wordle
cloudbuilder 1.0.7 The Cloud Builder project provides a collection of services which allows you to stand...
cloudbdiiprovider 0.4.dev140.g387348d # Cloud BDII providerThe Cloud BDII provider generates a GlueSchema v2 representation of cloudresources for...
closer 4.0.5 monitor and close remote SSH processes automatically
clippets 0.5.1 Clippets A terminal based tool to quickly combine (rich) text snippets into the...
clipperpy 0.1.5 About clipper-py is a Boost.Python wrapper exposing the C++ translation...
clipon 1.0.0 Clipon is a open source project for managing your clipboard history in a simple...
clipcpp 0.5.0 Python bindings for clip.cpp This package provides basic Python bindings for clip.cpp. It...
proteanflask 0.0.11 Protean Flask Extension Free software: BSD 3-Clause License
proteanelasticsearch 0.0.6 Protean Elasticsearch Extension Free software: BSD 3-Clause License
prometheussmartexporter 0.2.2 This is a Prometheus Exporter which exports S.M.A.R.T. metrics. Core Features...
prometheusdiskexporter 0.0.4 prometheus-disk-exporter A prometheus exporter for disk S.M.A.R.T. data and partition usage information...
Promanagement 1.0.2 Process Management App This is my second GUI app. A small utility app that...
ProjectSetup 0.1.1 Initialize your Python Project Features ProjectSetup helps you to get started...
progressbar2 4.5.0 Build status: Coverage: ...
programsintegrator 0.3 Programs Integrator Programs integrator is a GNU/Linux daemon program, written in python, dynamicly generating...
ProgramExecutableAnalyzer 1.1.0 Program Executable Analyzer Description This script analyzes MZ-PE (MS-DOS) executable file. This...
profit 0.6 Probabilistic Response Model Fitting with Interactive Tools This is a collection of tools for...
claptcha 0.3.3 A simple CAPTCHA image generator. This module provides a single class (Claptcha) that can...
clangbuildext 0.0.2 Clang Build Extension
cladeomatic 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
clade 4.1 Clade Clade is a tool for intercepting build commands (stuff like compilation, linking,...
ckiptransformers 0.3.4 CKIP Transformers This project provides traditional Chinese transformers models (including ALBERT, BERT,...
ckipnlp 1.0.3 CKIP CoreNLP Toolkit Features Sentence Segmentation Word Segmentation
ckernel 0.5.3 c-kernel This package provides a Jupyter...
ckccprotocol 1.4.0 Coldcard CLI and Python Interface Library Coldcard is a Cheap, Ultra-secure & Opensource Hardware...
cjsfdc 0.0.2b1 ## Functionality cjs_fdc counts the number of files or dirs in a given dir.
citpydata 0.0.1.dev5 cit-pydata This repo provides Python clients for commonly used api services including Salesforce, SQL,...
cirqqrack 0.7.0 cirq-qrack This repository contains a Qrack plugin for Cirq, providing the Qrack QasmSimulator. The...
circus 0.18.0 Circus Circus is a program that runs and watches processes and sockets. Circus...
printm 0.1.5 printm printm is an open-source Python package providing CUI output like more/less command in...
PrintDebug 0.3.5 A small debug printing module that prints extra info like filenames, function names, and...
principledinvestigator 0 principledinvestigator A papers recomendation tool principledinvestigator compares papers in your library against a...
prejudicebiashotelreviews 0.0.1 Prejudice and Bias in Hotel Reviews Clone Project git clone cd...
prefixedaiostatsd 1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
predictionsys 0.0.5 Explaining the main calss In Machine Learning, there is an extended class of web...
preprocesscorpora 0.1.1 preprocess-corpora This repository contains Python scripts to preprocess and sentence-align parallel (or monolingual) corpora.
prepl 1.0.1 Command line tool for rerunning a command when file dependencies change. Example usage...
chunkfile 1.0.0b2 UNKNOWN
chrispile 1.2.4 ChRISPile Syntactical sugar for running ChRIS plugins locally.
chonf 0.2.0 _ __ ___| |__ ___ _ __ / _| / __| '_ \...