active_has_many raises an exception every time you use has_many
Groonga provides both of full text search and column store
features. ActiveGroonga + Groonga can be used as an
Using the ActiveGrid gem consists of a few steps:
Ruby client for GraphQL services
A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.
Wraps GitHub's Gist API with a class implementing the ActiveModel modules. So, it should be pretty familiar to anyone who's...
Provides core functionality, plugins and ruby-next integration for ActiveFunction
Enable to use the concept of form objects with ActiveModel
Forms with ActiveModel-like validations
Ruby gem for pulling forcast information from
Activeforce provides a simple to use and extend interface to Salesforce using the REST API
A file system ORM based on ActiveRecord. Objects are files, relations are folders.
Gem which makes filling data for Gruff graphs based on ActiveRecord objects much easier.
DB and GIT synchronization via ActiveRecord and GitWrapper
active_gfx shows the graphics card currently in use by you macOS system
Extend the base rails generators with commonly used generators.
Active Forms API wrapper
Clean up your controller, slim up your models, handle more use cases
Based on inheritance
ActiveForm provides a DSL for defining complete XHTML forms with validation.
Use SalesForce as an ActiveModel
Relational mapping for fact models. Part of the ActiveFacts suite.
Example models in the Constellation Query Language for use with ActiveFacts
active-fixtures provides the way how to populate the server state (DB, sessions) as an application user but not as programmer.
ActiveFedora provides for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Architecture.
Plugin to create static Rails models backed by YAML files.
Map incoming controller parameters to named scopes in your models
ActiveFilterable is a gem designed to enable custom query filters for ActiveRecord models through metaprogramming. By using ActiveFilterable, you can...
ActiveFilter is a Rails engine for allowing users to filter scope dynamically.
An ActiveFedora extension for registring attributes
Noid identifier services for ActiveFedora-based applications.
Enables metadata crosswalking between ActiveFedora datastreams.
An ActiveFedora mixin that allows a datastream dissemination response to be streamed back in blocks without reading all content into...
A mixin library for ActiveFedora. Realtion methods operating against the FCRepo object search terms (DCES elements and object properties).
Export your Ruby Object
Declare experiments using classes that can be run in different layers of an application.
Excel as the container of model objects
I will write this section when I finish creating this gem.
Fixtures replacement with sweet syntax
Fast JSON serializer for nested PORO and ActiveRecord Objects supporting decoration, field filters, record filters and caching
Export to CSV/YAML/XML from ActiveRecord collections.
Visualization of data and associations represented by Active Record.
Foreign Exchange for your Rails app.
Attaches configurable bunny events to create, update and destroy callbacks in active record.
Contains commands, events, validations for Rails Disco.
Commands are used to transport updates from Rails to the...
Add simple ETL operations to your Rails app!
Framework and tools for managing email service providers.
Create an exception has never been easier in Ruby!
Provides ActiveRecord like query methods for use in Ruby Enumerable collections. Use Hashes or custom Ruby Objects to represent records.
Define enum classes in Rails and use them to enumerate ActiveRecord attributes
Service objects.
Object Mapper for XML Database. Initially setup for connection to MarkLogic
An ActiveRecord like ODM for AWS DynamoDB
rails plugin for active-domain
adds rails-like workflow conveniences
Description of ActiveEndpoint.
This gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic Transcoder, or Zencoder.
A collection of emoji aliases for core Ruby methods. Makes Ruby code easier to read and write, especially for children...
Provides boilerplate for common HTML components for front end applications.
Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk environments. Active Elastic Job is an Active...
Rails ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB.
Gem that allows to attach dynamic attributes to ActiveRecord model
Form validation for Rails with Dry-Validation
ActiveDryDeps not modify constructor and support Dependency Injection for modules.
A framework that allows to write a domain server, that processes commands and creates events.
You should...
Active Documentum
Schemaless models in Berkeley DB.
OpenCypher Adapter ala ActiveRecord
ActiveDirectory uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and modifying an Active Directory data store. This is a fork...
ActiveDiigo is a wrapper for Diigo API(version: v2).
Device UserAgent Detector
Description of ActiveDenormalize.
Stores and retrieves delegatable data through attributes on an ActiveRecord class, with support for translatable attributes.
A toolkit for decorating GraphQL field objects using ActiveDecorator.
Enable active_decorator to automatically decorate associated models
ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for the Google Cloud Datastore.
Utilizing ActiveRecord migrations to enable data migrations independently from schema migrations.
Making object from any hash or hash array
Efficiently iterate through massive collections in your database.
Store your currency.
Tools to compare ActiveRecord entries with Cucumber tables
Steroid command pattern.
An extremely flexible configuration system.
s the ability for certain values to be "overridden" when conditions are met.
r example,...
ActiveCommand adds the ability to use the command pattern commonly seen in CQRS.