Simple password reset model implemented on top of ActiveModel::Model
Simple password model implemented on top of ActiveModel::Model
Deserializing embedded JSONAPI records into ActiveRecord nested attributes (Not part of the JSONAPI spec yet!)
Serialize hashes with ActiveModelSerializers.
RSpec Matchers for ActiveModel::Serializer Associations
Modules/classes that extend AMS with more functionality
active_model_serializers_binary is a declarative way to serialize/deserialize ActiveModel classes for raw data exchange.
ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and convention-driven manner.
RSpec matchers for ActiveModel::Serializers
Adds methods for automatic deserialization from standard JSON and XML, and a variant implementation of serialization/deserialization for XML.
Active Model Serializer RSpec Helpers and Matchers
HasSecureToken provides you an easily way to geneatre uniques random tokens for any model in ruby on rails. **SecureRandom::base58** is...
Enhances application models with a simple and unobtrusive Presenter pattern implementation.
Presenters and Model-View-Presenter (MVP) is the second most useful pattern after Service Objects to simplify your medium-to-large app.
ActiveModelPresenter is...
Policy implementation for rails
Adds methods to set and authenticate against one time passwords 2FA(Two factor Authentication). Inspired in AM::SecurePassword"
Render your JSON in a Normalizr-like JSON format
A IPv4 and IPv6 validator for Rails 3 and 4.
ActiveModel validator for ip address.
Interdependent model validations
Serializing models to a single string makes it easy to pass references around.
ActiveModel with support for booleans and datetimes in form helpers
Common validations for ActiveModel
Builds a tree of errors instead of the 1-dimension one generated by ActiveMode::Base#errors.messages.
Extends ActiveModel::Errors to allow messages to be generated that do not use the attribute name
Provides I18n support for validation error messages in ActiveModel.
An ActiveModel extension to model your semi-structured data using embedded associations
ActiveModel-style email address format validator
CSV Validator for Active Model
This gem adds the ability for models to have an unlimited number of custom flags \
Allows to get errors type from an activemodel class, as a symbol, prior to the translation
errors.details from Rails 5 for Rails 4 people.
An ActiveModel email validator based on the Mail gem.
Backported from Rails 5.0 to use with 4.x versions
Simple email confirmation model implemented on top of ActiveModel::Model
Enqueue background jobs from model classes
Provides an ActiveModel::FormObject module that can be included into a PORO. A Rails Generator for Form Objects is included in...
Some Extension::Extensions for your ActiveModel::Models
A simple way to export data in Rails.
Provides coercions for ActiveModel objects
A base64 validator for Rails 3 and 4.
Expand _changed? method. Enable to specify changed attribute value
ActiveRecord Association Helper for PORO (Plain Old Ruby Object)
Simple association adapters for ActiveModel-compliant models used in polyglot applications.
A toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record. Rich support for attributes, callbacks, validations, serialization, internationalization, and testing.
The wrapper of messaging application.
This is an adapter to the kestrel messaging server for the ActiveMessaging framework. It is
in the early stages of...
ActiveMessaging is an attempt to bring the simplicity and elegance of rails development to the world of messaging. Messaging, (or...
allow ActiveModel constructor parameters with attribute_reader attributes
Backport ActiveModel::Attributes -like method
ActiveModel extension with support for ActiveRecord-like Attributes API
Adds dump and restore functionality to activemodel classes
Creates stub classes from any ActiveRecord model. By using stubs in your tests you don't need to load Rails or...
Active Mobile Gem
Metrics based on ActiveSupport::Notifications
Pulled out of a bigger codebase. Still not ready to be easily reused!
Active Messaging For AMQP
Declares a service object and the #merge_all helper method for merging active record class instances.
Realex is the leading payment provider for Ireland. The default gateway included in ActiveMerchant does not support 3D Secure. This...
ActiveMerchant PayWay Plugin
An ActiveMerchant plugin that provides a Payrix gateway
A gem to provide a ruby interface for Chase Paymentech Orbital payment gateway. It has been development thus far to...
Framework and tools for dealing with credit card transactions.
Adds Moneybookers payment gateway support to ActiveMerchant library Payment Gateway integration for ActiveMerchant Payment Gateway integration for ActiveMerchant
A plugin for Payline support in Active Merchant.
This gem integrate Rails with pay2go(智付寶).
A plugin for Ogone support in ActiveRecord.
A patch for active_merchant_ideal to support multiple certificates.
iDEAL payment gateway for ActiveMerchant (see and
EveryPay gateway for Active Merchant
This gem provides integration of ClickandBuy with Active Merchant
Active Merchant extension to support Inovio payment gateway (f.k.a. Argus)
Provides an interface to ANZ for the Activemerchant library, fork of github@anujluthra's work
Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is written by Tobias Luetke,...
Adds Banklink support to ActiveMerchant library. Banklink is provided by major banks in the Baltic states.
ActiveMeasure is vendor agnostic metrics library for Ruby and Rails.
A rails plugin to add active_merchant patch for Taiwan payment
Median and percentile for Active Record, Mongoid, arrays, and hashes
ActiveMaterialIcon is an additional menu icon for active_material It is specified for branch nh-responsive-redesign.
Fast, simple, declarative way to design your API's view layer
Applications that have complex email sending logic have DRYness problems. ActiveMailer solves that by making a legitimate email model where...
Provides an ORM interface to the data of any AppleScript-enabled application. Useful for querying and scripting any Mac application in...
ActiveRecord/ActiveModel's like interface for Lucene
ActiveLLM: Integrate Large Language Models with Rails
working towards getting active ldap to work on rails 3
'ActiveLdap Fabrication' is an ActiveLdap adapter for Fabrication. It means that you can use Fabrication as fixture replacement for ActiveLdap.
'ActiveLdap' is a ruby library which provides a clean
objected oriented interface to the Ruby/LDAP library. It was...