Sqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper
DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections
DataMapper plugin for observing Resources
MySQL Adapter for DataMapper
Ardm fork of dm-migrations
a ruby api for interacting with the newsgator feed synchronization service
make sure your sinatra websites are logically sound
Ardecy is a security, privacy auditing, fixing and hardening tool for GNU/Linux.
Activerecord database tools.
Toolkit for building ArcSight resources
copy data from one dbms to another via active_record
Duplicate a complete or partial database with ActiveRecord while controlling sensitive values.
Easily add CSV import tools to any ActiveRecord model.
A Blacklight-based environment to support discovery and delivery for archives and special collections
A placeholder release for the Arcjet Ruby SDK.
Database Designer Gem
Compliance and Architectural Visualization in Ruby systems
DSL engine for building Arch packages
Archlinux DSL to manage whole system state
archivist-client queries archive.org for book data and downloads some things.
Contains classes to archive and retrieve digital object version content and metadata
'archive-tar-minitar' has been deprecated; just install 'minitar'. The minitar library is a pure-Ruby library that provides the ability to deal
Upload stats to stat_fu webserver
ArchiveTree is a Ruby Gem that makes it easy for you to create beautiful chronological archive trees of your models....
Submit a URL to the Archive.today service to preserve it's contents in a Memento-compatible format
This lightweight implementation of presenter pattern allows you to extract the presentation logic from your models.
Capistrano files for deploying Laravel apps at Architect
Calculate arc length for a given radius and arc measure
Provide Object to manage Archived remote file.Based on AWS-S3 DeepArchive feature: Archived -> Restore in progress -> Temp Available
A Ruby Class to extract a gem or parts of a gem - does not require RubyGems to be installed
Simple AR file functions
Ask archives about URLs
Library which can traverse archived file (using `libarchive` under the hood) and yield io like object on each file entry...
Sometimes you just need a descriptive value of an item you are archiving. This is what archive_2s was made for.
*Atomic archiving/unarchiving for ActiveRecord*
acts_as_paranoid and similar plugins/gems work on a record-by-record basis and make it difficult to restore...
Archive your Rails models rather than delete them, with model and controller concerns.
Architecture.js helps you generate scaffolding, manage third-party packages, compile, and compress your application.
A DSL and object space for handling scaffolding
Runtime helpers for AWS Lambda functions provisioned with Architect
Architect is a JavaScript library built on top of Web Workers that will handle and polyfill HTML Web Workers.
Creating the first gem with bundler
An Archetype extension for complex, fixed-width grid based layouts
An Archetype bundle that includes the official extensions
An Archetype extension that provides hooks into Eric Meyer's CSS reset
An Archetype extension that provides hooks into using Normalize.css' CSS reset
An Archetype extension that provides hooks into Normalize.css, HTML5 Boilerplate, and a traditional Eric Meyer's based CSS reset
An Archetype extension that provides hooks into using HTML5 Boilerplate's CSS reset
Additional Payment Gateways for Spree Commerce
Archetype is a Compass/Sass based framework for authoring configurable,
composable UI components and patterns. The natural language syntax...
Publish notebooks in Quiver.
ArcherPlume Blog FrameWork is a gem in which users can install and after installing , can copy the contents of...
A gem for interacting with the ActionKit API.
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
Turn your classes into small, modular, reusable Actions
Parses ansible ini files
Action Interactor provides a simple interface for performing operations like Service Object / Command pattern.
Use this library to send webhooks from your application
ActionHash is a Ruby gem designed to validate a series of actions while obfuscating the associated
A web framework built on top of Rack, it has the simplicity of sinatra and the structure of rails
An alternative layer to accepts_nested_attributes_for by using Form Models.
Call action on ActiveRecord Fields
Action Facade provides a simple interface for data required by view / controller.
DSL for defining dependencies between rails actions and before_filters.
Move actions from methods in Rails controllers to action classes.
Allows distributed handle/lock creation and managament
authorisation module of actions based on url-paths for usage in Rails and possibly other ruby based web frameworks
ActionGmailer, oauth/gmail delivery method
Gem for interacting with the ActionKit API
Action Interceptor provides methods to store return url's across multiple requests. Useful during authentication, registration, signing terms of use, etc.
Makes your controllers more unit-testable.
Your factories are now classes.