Arguments extractor for Rails actions.
A simple wrapper for ArcGIS Online sharing API
Ruby Client for the ArcGIS Open Data API.
A ruby gem interface for ArcGIS (platform of Esri) Vehicle Routing Problem service REST API
A ArcBall in java for propane and PiCrate
Display and verify arcaptcha service captcha
Tool for working with encrypted secrets in repositories
Perform Tarot card readings in Ruby
Customized API
Parameter filter done OO, extending strong parameters.
file/libmagic based mime sniffing in pure Ruby
A simple server naming gem
Contains enabled rubocops for Arcadia ruby repos.
Arcadia IDE
Provides access to ArcadeDB from ruby
Arcade is a simple Ruby-vased DSL for creating old-school arcade games like Pong. The philosophy is similar to GameMaker, except...
Ruby interface for interacting with the Arc API
An modern cacheing library for ActiveRecord inspired by cache-money and second_level_cache.
A duck that acts like ActiveRecord::Base, but doesn't have any of the AR::B functionality.
Implements Arbre components for forms
This is a collection of webservice monitoring tools for the Arborist monitoring toolkit (
It can be used to...
This library adds common SNMP resource support to Arborist monitors.
This library adds fping output parsing support to Arborist monitors.
Arboreal is yet another extension to ActiveRecord to support tree-shaped data structures.
Internally, Arboreal maintains a computed "ancestry_string" column,...
This gem provides Arbor.js for your Rails 3 application.
Interface for the Arbor Education REST API.
A currency conversion that fetch from external source and also let's you add a fixed rate for different currencies
Enhance of String.
A spider for network resources.
Access book data on ARBookFinder
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Arbetsförmedlingen API client (Swedish Public Employment Service). Post job ads, Platsannons (ads) API client and WSOccupation SOAP API client.
Berechnet die Zeiten für die verschiedenen Zeitkonti
Ruby library for controlling the AR.Drone
A way to solve simple ARBAC role reachability problems, given an .arbac definition file or a pre-built problem instance.
Dictionary Base On Ruby (With The Help Of YouDao API)
Web page crawler.
A simple wrapper of OpenSSL::Cipher
A demo of Web Crawler using arb-crawler
Gem for daily debug work.
Dispatcher for the series of 'arb' gems.
A simple hello world gem
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
Routing filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowing for unseen flexibility and power in...
Attribute serializer for AR models
A little gem for Rails that provides the ability to specify attributes that will not be loaded when the record...
Selenium' utilities for Ruby.
Put here de description.
Parsers' utilities for Ruby.
Ruby utilities for web crawling.
Ruby driver for ArangoDB's HTTP API
Ruby client for ArangoDB
arangodb-driver is a drop-in replacement for the (unmaintained) arango-driver
Do not use this! This could be a malicious gem because you didn't check if the code ChatGPT wrote for...
Rack and Faraday middleware to temporarily disable connections to external dependencies
Run rake automatically whenever any dependent is updated.
Arachnidish is a web crawler that relies on Bloom Filters to efficiently store visited urls and Typhoeus to avoid the...
Original @
EventMachine-based client and server implementation of Arachni-RPC supporting
TLS encryption, asynchronous and synchronous requests and
Arachni::RPC is a simple and lightweight Remote Procedure Call protocol
used to provide the basis for...
Execute irreversible actions only when transactions are not rolled back
Gem that plugs into Ruby on Rails that gives you a way to add a callback to the ActiveRecord callback...
A tool to replace generic disconnected Arabic letters with their connected counterparts.
Get random facts about Arabic using this gem.
Conjugate MSA verbs
Converts Arabic text to the Roman (Latin) script
Convert proprietary file format of Across v6 for exporting and (re-)importing projects into the YAML.
Easing the creation of DTOs from your ActiveRecord models.
Pure ruby Ar
Log "I'm Here!" in your code
Sequel adapter for aquel
Aqueductron lets you create a path for data, then flow data through it, then find the results at the end....
Connects to MySQL through Aqueduct interface
Connects to Microsoft SQL 2008 through Aqueduct interface