A Ruby object-oriented interface to the Lonely Planet REST API.
Journey is a router. It routes requests.
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
A command line bot for working with XTT, ENTP's rad time tracking app
A collection of tasks for automating TYPO3
This project provides libraries of Capistrano tasks and extensions to remove the repetative manual work associated with installing services on...
"longer description"
ANSI styling and other utilities for writing CLI Ruby tools
A simple hello world gem
Generate a skeleton project to get you started
An AndAnd style gem for dealing with nested Arrays and Hashes
Andromeda is a light weight framework for complex event processing on multicore architectures. Andromeda users construct networks of plans that...
Add this to your build process, and never write XML again!
Plus, you can have multiple files generated from...
Android SDK installer
Android utilities to be executed within the android root project following a standard structure (apk in bin folder etc...)
Validates an Android string resource file against the specification at http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html.
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using Google Cloud DNS
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using OpenStack Designate.
"S/mileage" is one of highly famous Japanese pop stars.
This module, acme-smileage, provides an easy method to catch up with...
A cli interface for ACMEv2 DNS challenges with Route53
Manage your keys, requests and certificates.
When you're ready to live in more of an uncertain world. Just require this module, and when you observe true...
Client for the ACME protocol.
The first time you run your code after requiring this module it will bleach your file, your code still runs...
Rails engine for generating SSL certificates using the ACME challenge and response method
acme-plugin is a Ruby on Rails helper for ACME protocol services, ie. Let's Encryptfor retrieving SSL certificates (without using sudo,...
CLI tool to obtain certificates via ACME and update the matching TLSA records.
The primary authentication method is...
Provides a client library for interacting with the acme-manager server
(https://github.com/catphish/acme-manager) which assists with issuing lets-encrypt certificates
Ruby port of Acme::JapaneseAvActress
A namespace for mischief and silliness, feel free to publish your own Acme::* gems
Lolcommits refactored for use at the UIUC branch of ACM.
Acmaker is a tool to manage AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). It defines the state of ACM using DSL, and updates...
Scrapes ACLU court documents then extracts the plaintext and metadata.
ACLS is a library for autoloading Ruby source files in one or more directory trees.
An access control gem for Rails. A flexible declarative way of protecting your various controller actions using roles.
Your summary here
Besides log levels, callstack you get easy parsable time stamps, log level marker and some.
Human readable Android device names
Useful command line tools for android developers
Runs android commands from ruby such as `android update project`
Android Debug Bridge extension provides convenient metaclass to execute ADB shell commands.
Ruby bindings for the Android SDK adb command.
Making RubyMotion android development easy and enjoyable
API for parsing Android Market and getting some usefull information about applications
Implements in-app purchase data parsing, signature validation,
Tool to resize Android Resource images
Tiny gem for managing files copied from Android OS 4.3.
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
You can work with icons only in the highest density (xxxhpdi, for example) and let the ‘adr’ command take care...
Android client for Mac
my first gem that generates string Hello world
Capistrano Recipies for God
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
Simple and powerful uploads for Merb and Rails
Formtastic Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons
A simple library to interface with the API for btc-e.com in Ruby.
Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails,
providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and...
The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
Learn enough Ruby palindrome detector
Prawn grid adds functionality to prawn to enable easy access to Page Grid coordinates
Andrew Mason's business card, the Ruby Way.
A basic API for reading and writing GPX files.
ChromeRemote is a client implementation of the Chrome DevTools Protocol in Ruby
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
ODBC Data Adapter for ActiveRecord
The 'Simon says' of Andrew Fomera's love of Minitest
Geokit Gem
Andrake is rake tasks for android development
Android Push Notification in Ruby: simple, fast, high-quality client for FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
Supplies the parcel command for packaging, installing, and removing parcels from an Android project
Andor is a simple name generator based on an 'And/Or' JSON format. It includes simple examples of generating random fake...
Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
Simple Navigation is a ruby library for creating a navigation (optionally with sub navigation) for your rails app.
A photocentric jekyll theme for photographers and travelbloggers
"Creates a copyright tag with parameters for name"
Setup Rspec for Rails environment including all configurations and command line inputs required. Once the setup is ran, user can...
Andeogen is a tiny gem to ease android layout development
Carries out Tweets analysis using Alchemy Sentiment Analysis API
Only available : 'AndBilling::Security.verify(base64_encoded_public_key , data , signature)'
Unlike andand, andand2 can be placed at the start of a chain, not just where you anticipate nils.
Maybe Monad in idiomatic Ruby.