ADTech Classic API ruby client
Google Bigquery storage adapter for akane.gem
A great starting point for projects that makes no design assumptions.
A command line tool for moving Alexa todos in Todoist into a user specified project.
A framework to handle and verify the JSON request/responses for an Alexa skill
Checks an utterance against an invocation keyword from the available skills and returns an Alexa formatted response to be passed...
Customised admin panel for alexanderMOHAN projects.
Ruby toolkit for Amazon Alexa API
A pairing of objects for parsing Amazon Echo/Alexa skill requests.
Using a WikiMd formatted document, generates a basic Amazon Alexa model in XML format, as well as other formats.
Use Alertify.js with Rails 4
Simple gem for alerts messages
gem install according_to
Object oriented authorization for ruby.
This gem generates HTML data for Rails applications.
Static publishing to S3 based on SQS messages
Logger functionality for Alephant
Literate-programming HTML
A Ruby replacement for bash+ssh, providing both an interactive shell and a library. Manage both local and remote unix systems...
In this algorith, it can be adjusted to any number of training examples automatically. It does a brute force search...
Takes a static site and uploads it to Amazon's S3.
This gem get all table infomations using activerecord.
A project that is an attempt to rehabilitate and generalize a data ingestion/importation service originally built for a retail, e-commerce...
A gem containing helpers for the ALD API, the ALD package format and ALD package definitions.
Ruby implementation of the Alchemy micro-service framework
Plugin framework for building AltCSS in Ruby
Command-line tool to translate English to Japanese
Searches databases for a given artist + album combination and returns recording engineering information.
This is a gem that wraps the Albion Online API.
aladin-books is the ruby wrapper of Aladin Search API.
Rails goodies for integrating Akatus with your application. Built on top of the Akatus gem.
Communicate with an AirVideo server, even through a proxy: Retrieve the streaming URLs for your videos.
Easily connect to airtable data using ruby with access to all of the airtable features.
This gem generates AnalyticsEvent classes from a Google Doc
Airesis contains only English as default language. This gem contains all the other languages.
Aemi theme, thought to mimic the Aemi WordPress Theme.
A gem to wrap deployments to Adobe Experience Manager
Gema para programa TICTACTOE
Clase que representa una etiqueta de información nutricional
Práctica 6 de Lenguajes y paradigmas de programación utilizando TDD
gema para usar en las prácticas de LPP
Gema para los alimentos y su representacion
"Desarrollar una práctica sobre el "
"Gema prc06"
"Gema de la práctica 6: Desarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas(TDD)"
Diseñar e implementar un Lenguaje de Dominio EspecÃfico DSL, que permita la definición de listas de menús dietéticos diarios y...
Generate passwords derived from hand-alternating, visually unambiguous, alphanumeric characters. This is a Ruby gem and command-line utility.
bouquet description.
Altmetric API Client
A gem which produces Altmetric badge URIs from a data hash
Jammit-S3 is an extension to the awesome Jammit library that handles deployment to s3 and cloudfront.
Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails,
providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and...
Random Sentences generator from Bram's Book
A tool to measure the tone or attitude of a body of text.
ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection adapter that provides direct access to hosted data and metadata via the ActiveRecord...
Kayak alternative flights wrapper
Alterpath allows you to alter the system PATH on Windows in a flexible manner
Alternator generates alternative wrapper scripts; it helps you stubbing
executed files.
Quickly switch to pre-defined remote folders with one command.
Execute your ActiveRecord migrations with Percona's pt-online-schema-change.
AlterEgo is a Ruby gem for integrating two-factor authentication into your web application.
Altered views allows one to inherit views from pluged in engines and extend them by operating on the DOM model.
Adapter to allow Mongoid to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEgo state machine, ported from the alter-ego-activerecord...
Adapter to allow ActiveRecord to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEgo state machine
AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four. It differs from other...
More perfect decision for loading image in form with preview
Lightweight procfile runner
A powerful printf-like template language
Alt Memery is a gem for memoization.
It's a fork of Memery with implementation via `UnboundMethod` instead of `prepend Module`.
Transform an Array or Hash into a excel file using the spreadsheet gem.
`achetepe` is a small and simple library to execute a block of code after an asynchronous HTTP request.
Listens to RabbitMQ and spams Slack.
Wrapper for AChecker Web Accessibility Checker
Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is written by Tobias Luetke,...
Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry. Sentry is a event logging and aggregation platform.
A flattenmeta helper gem
Adapter to interact with various ACH service providers
Ruby tools for building ACH (Automated Clearing House) files
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
Write a longer description or delete this line.
My playground for building service objects that feel right in Ruby
Aceroute is field service management SaaS. Route and Schedule optimization, mobile dispatch, GPS tracking, and more.
HTTP dialog for the Acenda API with the oAuth2 authentication.
It implements Cards and Payments from aceitaFacil doc spec.
ACE editor for Rails 3.2+ apps
Ace: A Jekyll theme.