Use it to parse Amazon book links (extract ISBNs etc.)
Login amazon.
amazon affiliate
Replaces your application's console with pry powered by amazing_print.
Rails assets wrapper for Amaze Ui
failshell's custom amazing library'
Ruby gem to interface with the Amazon Simple Notification Service
A maze generator inspired by the book of Jamis Buck, Mazes for Programmers: Code Your Own Twisty Little Passages.
work for amazon albums
A Rails generator plugin & gem that generates Rails 2.2 and 2.3 I18n locale files for almost every known locale.
Amatch is a library for approximate string matching and searching in strings.
Several algorithms can be used to do this,...
Collects data from Amarok's DB to get more interesting statistics
A tool for managing Let's Encrypt dns-01 certificates
A collection of useful generator scripts for Rails engine.
Access the API
A simple hello world gem
CMS based on Mercury Editor
RailRoad is a class diagrams generator for Ruby on Rails applications.
Crawl AsinID any production from Amazonjp via Terminal
Ruby wrapper around Amadeus Discover API
Converts and instantiates classes from native data structures
Log formatters and helper classes for the AMA standardized log format
Leverage foundation as the base for AMA's websites
A simple wrapper for aliyun cli
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
Ruby’s net/http is setup to never verify SSL certificates by default. Most ruby libraries do the same. That means that...
Make sure a has_one association always exists
Adds execute and expect test blocks for added BDD test clarity.
Always Be Contributing counts who has
contributing most to your orginization on Github.
You may need this framework if you have a routine task that must be performed every once in a while,...
Alwan is a Ruby gem for colorizing text in the command line.
Provides generated HTML data for Rails Applications.
Negative timestamp on an Active Record model
Alux is Ruby on Rails framework clone for learning purpose
This gem parses HyperChem's .HIN files, PDB files, and in the future others, converting them to Ruby objects for easy...
Alula creates higly optimised static blogs while taking all the complexity and repeated tasks away from you.
Wrapper for alcatel-lucent call management APIs
Alucard is a simple card library.
Gema para la utilizacion de Expresiones Regulares
Write a longer description or delete this line.
"Clase para gestionar los glúcidos, lípidos y proteínas de un alimento específico"
A powerful printf-like template language
ach is a Ruby helper for building and parsing ACH files. In particular, it helps with field order and alignment,...
DNA for simple generators
API Client For Services
FORK FOR TESTING. Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3-p194. Uses Celluloid and Celluloid::IO.
ALTADATA Ruby gem provides convenient access to the ALTADATA API from applications written in the Ruby language.
ALSA client to perform continuous recording
alphabets - alphabet (a-z) helpers incl. unaccent, downcase, variants, and more
Analyze twitter followers languages
Aloe is double-entry bookkeeping engine for Rails apps
Alman is a calendar scheduling API.
歐付寶(Allpay)API 包裝
Filter hash keys based on allowed and forbidden values.
A sampling allocation profiler. This keeps track of allocations, but only on
specified intervals. Useful for profiling allocations in programs...
Load or Require all files in the folder.
string_extend adds useful features to the String class
Ruby binding for the Allegro game programming library as well as more stuff
a pure ruby blog system based on cloudhead's toto
Library for loading non-traditional ruby files
Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnames
Gem for SDK of SLS of Aliyun
A Ruby library to generate clever dummy data
Calculo de nutrientes de un alimento
A gem to the food
Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algorithms, and more
The gem contains various implementations of known and uknown data structures and algorithms.
A Ruby SDK for the Algorand API
This theme provide templates for algodynamics experiments
See GitHub page for longer description.
"Play against another human or the computer. Choose rock paper or scissors."
The RKelly library will parse JavaScript and return a parse tree.
Builds an Alexa Skills Interaction Model and optionally an Alexa Skills manifest in JSON format from plain text
Access role management library for role-based access control, based on RDF and ActiveTriples.
Painless code coverage reporting for Xcode projects written in Objective-C.
A helper suite for Puppet projects to create, manage and help daily development More information about Puppet:
Mass Assignment Test Helper helps you test your activerecord models for mass assignment vulnerabilities.
Client library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API
Gets n max numbers from input stream
storage plugin for akane that post to Amazon Kinesis.
A gem to run Hartl's TDD examples
Simple bitmask attribute support for ActiveRecord