Distributed image processing server.
Increment an exception counter in StatsD whenever the Airbrake gem reports and exception.
RSpec driven API testing framework
A set of bindings between Ruby and Mapnik. Supports many of the common uses for
Mapnik, and one day, might...
Agricultural font based on FontAwesome and Fontello tools
An agile, programmable, controllable proxy server for use standalone or as part of an integration test suite with clients for...
Command line instrument for agile. Our git repo https://github.com/rubizza-camp/AgileCli
Allows you to run various recipes against your rails apps.
description coming soon
A helpful collection of utitility for rails application
Rails adserver tool for selecting a smaller subset of banners from all possible banners with differing banner placement combinations. Gem...
Adventure Time Soundboard
Advanced scaffolding with pagination, ajax, search, namespaces
User engine for adva-cms2.
Field plugin for Administrate to edit JSON array as table of inputs
JSON field plugin for Administrate
Indexer for Akakor
Minimum rack middleware for coverage
A small utility to add aliases to network interfaces.
Custom repository manager for ArchLinux pacman
A delightful way to manage and grow your aliases in your daily project.
AkaAngka / aka_angka / ArieKeren Angka adalah Library Ruby Angka untuk format Indonesia yang intuitif, independen, bisa digunakan baik dengan...
Manage your aliases with style
Middleware for adding api keys validation to API
Reload anything.
Lightweight library for "hot code" reloading
A respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in Sinatra
Ruby on Rails Runner, which uses AJP(Apache JServ Protocol) to cooperate with a HTTPd, instead of CGI or FastCGI
Rightscale::HttpConnection is a robust HTTP/S library. It implements a retry algorithm for low-level network errors.
The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, and secure interface to Amazon EC2, EBS, S3,...
Library for accessing the Sunlight Labs API.
Provided generated HTML data for Rails applications.
Use the policy pattern to define access control mechanisms in Rails. Store user-level, group-level, or org-level permission on any given...
accesslint-ci runs accessibility tests in CI and comments on corresponding GitHub pull requests
Very lightweight permissions for Ruby.
Write accessible Ruby with this set of Rubocop rules.
A gem to bring bootstrap3-accessibility-patches into your rails project.
Utility for programmatic access to TarheelReader and other accessible books
Adds ability to access hash elements with custom method calls.
This is a simple mass-assignment security module loosely based on
ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity. It attempts to steal the good ideas
Provides accessibility mechanism for data.
Dynamic attr_accessible for Active Record, inspired by Ryan Bates Railscasts episode 237
Use reflection to spec ActiveModel accessible_attributes
A simple and flexible means of configuration for Ruby applications.
Simulate keyboard input via the Mac OS X Accessibility Framework. This
gem is a component of AXElements.
accessibility_core is a wrapper around the OS X Accessibility framework.
Some other extras that are intended to help build...
accessibility_bridge is a wrapper around various bits of Cocoa
so that the various accessibility projects can run on CRuby.
Ruby client to check for accessibility issues using
Role based authorization gem
Manage grants in your applications
Log access to models through your controllers.
Provides easy way to register actions with your models
Run an accessibility audit on a file or URL from the command line.
A series of tools built with ruby to help ensure HTML is accessibile, including an automated evaluation tool and helpers...
A simple, extendable authorization framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
Ajimi is a tool to compare servers by their files to shows difference in their configurations. It is useful to...
A simple ajax status spin indicator build on top of spin.js
Ajaxmanager (by Alexander Farkas) packaged as a gem for Rails. Ajaxmanager helps you to manage AJAX requests and responses (i.e....
Automatically makes your Rails app loading content in the background via ajax. Works by turning all internal links into
Ajax validation
Ajax scaffold generator is a rails generator for ajaxified scaffolds
Ajax Validator is a Rails engine that allows to validate form fields.
It will handle ajax validations.
A simple Ajax gem
gem to test an ajax request
Ajax Scaffold plugin is a rails plugin for ajaxified scaffolds
This is the generator for a Ruby on Rails framework, that creates scaffold for AJAX applications.
Rails plugin to render partial view by ajax
Loads page content into AJAX sections with AJAX links, handling the details for you, load content with javascript into designated...
Add and remove nested model fields dynamically through JavaScript using jQuery for Rails 3.1+ with assets pipeline
simple ajax-driven modals for rails. uses bootstrap 4
implements ajax modal workflow.
Generates Rails code implementing an Ajax based CRUD grid for a single table.
Creates complete scaffolds using ajax to create, edit and destroy on the same page. Also includes a real-time search field.
AjaxBoxLogin is a small gem that generates the Rails 3 view partial, stylesheet and javascript needed to have a Twitter-style...
Fork for Coveralls app
The goal of this gem is to provide a backwards compatible extension of the
ajax-datatables-rails gem that provides an alternate...
Ajax autocompleter
Add a CanvasField to point out errors in three different colors
Augment a traditional Rails application with a completely AJAX frontend, while transparently handling issues important to both the enterprise and...
Item Manager
Uses Ajar's API to insert public URIs in place of local APIs for Facebook Open Graph connections.
A simple greetomg gem
Collect instant feedback into Redmine
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Build XML descriptions of aeronautical infrastructure either as AIXM 4.5
(Aeronautical Information Exchange Model) or OFMX 1 (Open FlightMaps
A wrapper for the AIX WPAR administration.