AcceptOn allows you to get paid in your customer's preferred method
Gem for testing above the fold render on the first tcp round trip.
Small DSL for writing IRC bots.
ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and convention-driven manner.
A ruby gem for writing CQRS applications
Agent 212 reads and writes user agent fields and provides a basic api to modify them.
A Ruby wrapper to the eBay Web Services API
Agent is a diverse family of related approaches for modelling concurrent systems, in Ruby
Generate shell aliases based on commonly entered commands.
This is a wrapper for the Afterbuy API documented here:
Rails: Get notified when an after_commit block blows up
This gem detects palindromes like 'racecar' and 'Madam, I'm Adam'
Form Object implementation for filling models from JSON with nested arrays
An ETL for retrieving records from the Affiliate Window APIand loading them into a Postgres database.
OpenCV wrapper for Ruby
Translation Center is a multi lingual web engine for Rails 4 apps. It builds a translation center community with translators...
Client Side Validations
Interface for the ACC Device Enrollment Program API
An OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
aesthetify is a gem that lets you transform ASCII text into fullwidth text of 2 distinct flavors: regular Fullwidth and...
A light and modular CSS framework that focuses more on conventions.
File attachments for aerogel models
JRuby wrapper for the Typica Java library, which provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services.
DataMapper adapter for the Redis key-value database
ActiveWarehouse ETL is a pure Ruby Extract-Transform-Load application for loading data into a database.
Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer...
Provides helpful command line tools to run sinatra server and bundle adyen skin files
Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails application.
The package provides functionality...
Merchant signature calculator for Adyen ( payments service. It is implementation of HPP HMAC (SHA-256) algorithm from Adyen documentation (
an advanced discord bot command handler
Disabling the rendering of the attribute name for errors by the error_messages_for helper.
Simply place a caret as the first...
Adds idle connection management, statement pooling, and other advanced connection features
Search with objects!
AdUnblock affichage un message aux internautes ayant un bloqueur de publicité pour les inciter à désactiver celui-ci. Pour utiliser ce...
Abstract Data Types for Ruby
A gem for Autodesk 2-phase authentication service.
Easy way to enable AdSense crawler to login and see private or custom pages in your rails application. Basically one...
This will be fast
A library for interacting with the Adobe Media Encoder API
send vsist record to admqr service
Enables easy integration of AdMob ads into a RoR mobile site.
A Ruby interface to the Admob API
Deployment and testing tool
A command line tool for wielding cloudformation templates.
Validators creation gem
Module to declare abstract classes and methods
A framework for creating admin dashboards
Easily add Password fields to your administrate views
A has many to-like field that lazily loads candidates from a custom endpoint.
JSONb field plugin for Administrate
Globalized string and text field plugin for Administrate
enumerate_it field plugin for Administrate
Improved tag management for Administrate
Custom Administrate Field for AASM gem.
It helps admin to announce anything including parsed html in a form a notice.It consists two types of announcements: Session...
admin_assistant is a Rails plugin that automates a lot of features typically needed in admin interfaces.
Admin is a Rails admin interface inspired by the Django's awesome one.
A gem whit redy qury methods
Marshal data to be loaded on sequential runs of your script.
Host your error log in your own server with airbrake.
Airbrake exception report support for Jets
Airbrake sender implementation usign Faraday. Faraday's pluggable backends allow Airbrake to be
used with net_http or EventMachine/Synchrony.
Instance variables from the raised exception are included as parameters in the Airbrake notification. Currently only active in DelayedJob jobs....
A ruby wrapper for the Airbrake API
Thread actions with Airbrake notofication.
Allow to clean up all errors of an Airbrake account
Airbrake is an online tool that provides robust exception tracking in any of
your Ruby applications. In doing so, it...
ActiveResource extension to easily access and manipulate objects from Airbrake's reporting API.
This gem gives you RSpec formatters which let you generate HTML and JSON reports if you use the airborne gem...
Placeholder by RubyGems Security Team
A Ruby interface to the Airbnb API.
Sphincter uses Dmytro Shteflyuk's sphinx Ruby API and automatic configuration to make totally rad ActiveRecord searching. Well, you still have...
A Rails 3-compatible gem/plugin to generate enterprise-class Sitemaps using a familiar Rails Routes-like DSL. Sitemaps are readable by all search...
Interface classes for the Amazon EC2/EBS, SQS, S3, SDB, and ACF Web Services
Track changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning.
A simple backup script for Mysql and S3 with incremental backups.
Be informed about task execution.
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.