Wrapper to the Adobe Connect API
An API wrapper for interacting with Adobe Connect services.
ADN Viewer Starter
ad_particles is SASS Module that defines a base set of variables that can used as a
standard in...
App.net command line
A simple and easy to use library to interact with App.net's API
Simple Wrapper for the AdMob API for Site Stats
Enables easy integration of AdMob ads into a RoR mobile site.
Admix administrive area for mix-rails
A gem whit redy qury methods
This interface helps you to create applications for Admitad affiliate network.
Ruby lock file manager that is highly resistant, if not outright immune, to race conditions.
Admission rules to actions or resources, privileges system included
The tool to download figma icons
Admiral tasks for wielding AWS OpsWorks resources.
Admiral module for building and deploying Meteor application to AWS OpsWorks.
An Admiral module that implements tasks for wielding AWS CloudFormation templates. Use it to manage CloudFormation templates and their parameters.
Parser for admiral stats JSON data exported from kancolle-arcade.net
Cloud Foundry administration commands.
Some basic utilities that I need often when writing Ruby Code
Super Awesome Admin Widgets
Rails generator to create admin scaffolding with searching and sorting for models
Code generator of admin views and controllers for ActiveRecord models.
Liste des Inflections, Traductions, Routes, Gems, Processus server, Informations de Développement, Url courante + execution de commandes shell + helpers...
Abtion's development workflow tools
Rails based AB test framework
Payment Framework focused on Authorize.net CIM for dealing with stored credit card transactions.
Versatile scripts
Always Be Testing Yo! A testing framework that runs on IronWorker http://www.iron.io
Absurdly simple a/b testing
Add abstract syntax that target method requires subclass implementation.
Standard OOP abstract entities for proper SOLID
Abstract classes gem
A Rails engine gem for deriving discrete data points from narrative text via natural language processing (NLP). The gem includes...
Simple mixin to provide abstract class functionality
Base utilities and framework for Abstractive gems.
Abstract classes for Ruby
The best I could come up with was to just show you:
$ atcat dbi://pg/localhost/database_name/table_name csv://table_name.csv
create resource based configuration DSL
It reverse an SQL statement to a Perl SQL::Abstract JSON format.
Abstract Interface for the Crystal Framework
ActionMailer-like interface for any type of notifications
Lets you define abstract methods that raise when called
Abstract Method is a tiny library enabling you to define abstract methods in Ruby classes and modules.
The abstract syntax tree for ruby mappers
Return true or false, by set probability. Decide by arg.
A small rails gem for creating and recording A/B Tests
Yet another AB Test gem, but this supports AbstractController, not only ActionController
Basic Admin Backend interface for Ruby on Rails
admin scaffold
Gem that focus on making a public site's resources very quickly while being very configurable!,
supports facebook sharing,...
You can generate template files easy and beautiful by this scaffold generator for Ruby on Rails. These templates are based...
Make administrative views creation less repetitive
AdminLTE is a premium Bootstrap theme for Backend.
AdminLTE-generators provides AdminLTE generators for Rails 4.
Caters the base theme of AdminLTE by Almsaeed Studio. Plugins are not included by default to maximize performance and should...
AdminLTE2 on rails
Easy integration for Bootstrap AdminLTE template into Rails.
Provides easy integration for Bootstrap admin template into Rails.
Generates Twitter Bootstrap based admin panel with scaffolder. Project is quite opinionated, requires Rails 4, SASS, SimpleForm, Kaminari and Devise.
A module for creating flexible, simple scripts for project in Rails.
This scaffold generator takes a lot of Ryan Bates' screencast ideas and puts them into scaffold generator.
Modern rails admin with view layer on vue.js
Command line interface for Admin Module
Create concerns and I18n keys for rails admin
Gemified AdminLTE, with SASS and RTL support for Rails.
Gemified AdminLTE, with RTL support.
Automatically deserialize administrate fields on form submit.
Incorporate ActionText into Administrate to allow rich text editing in the dashboard.
The Administrate Notus Theme designed by Creative Tim
A Material Design theme for Administrate using Materialize framework
simple plugin in order to be able to view and edit unixtime as human-editable format within Administrate.
Adds an Administrate::Field::Type for allowing the selection of an STI subtype in dashboards.
A plugin to use the Trix WYSIWYG editor in Administrate
Administrate Plugin to add tinymce editor to administrate field.
Time field plugin for Administrate
Telephone field plugin for Administrate
A plugin to handle state machine attributes in Administrate
A plugin for markdown fields in Administrate using SimpleMDE
A plugin to handle Markdown text in Administrate
Integrates Shrine as a field for Administrate in Rails apps.
Custom Administrate field select_essential