Adds an Administrate::Field::SelectBasic for creating dropdown selects in your dashboards.
A has_many field that yields itself to the scope option
A belongs_to field that yields itself to the scope option
Easily add Refile fields to your administrate views
Integrates Paperclip as a field for Administrate in Rails apps
Administrate's plugin to show PaperTrail versions via new field type
This gem provides a custom Tailwind CSS theme for the Administrate gem used in Rails applications. It allows for easy...
A plugin for Administrate to use Ransack for search filters
Simple plugin to add custom filter functionality to your Administrate index page.
Mobility string and text field plugin for Administrate
Markdown field plugin for Administrate
simple plugin in order to be able to view and edit serialized list within Administrate.
A belongs to-like field that lazily loads candidates from a custom endpoint.
Adds an Administrate::Field::LatLng for viewing & editing latitude/longitude fields on a map
JSON to table field plugin for Administrate
Official Image field plugin for Administrate
A plugin to i18n enum attribute select box in Administrate.
A string field that shows a hyperlink.
A plugin for hidden fields in Administrate
Custom Administrate field hex_color_picker
Administrate has_many field extension to only use certain fields in a has_many collection
Add support to search through (potentially large) has_many associations in your Administrate dashboards.
Globalized string and text field plugin for Administrate
Plugin for adding Froala WYSIWYG editor support in Administrate
Plugin for adding Enumerize gem support in Administrate.
Enum field plugin for Administrate
A plugin to select dates with a date picker in Administrate
A scaffold generator that creates a public and administrative controller and views.
ClassyEnum field plugin for Administrate
Plugin for adding ckeditor support in Administrate
A plugin to manage Carrierwave attachments in Administrate
Custom Administrate field boolean_to_yes_no
A plugin to visually display boolean fields in Administrate
Add support to search through (potentially large) belongs_to associations in your Administrate dashboards.
Adds an Administrate::Field::AddressLatLng for viewing & editing Address/latitude/longitude fields on a map
Administrate fields for active storage
Add default ordering to Administrate controllers
A Bootstrap theme for Administrate: clean design, easy to install, customizable
Extends the ApplicationController in Administrate
Simple plugin to add CSV export feature to Administrate
Collapsible navigation for Administrate
Batch Actions plugin for Administrate
Administrate is heavily inspired by projects like Rails Admin and ActiveAdmin,
but aims to provide a better user experience for...
Automatic admin interface generation
A minimalist Rails Admin tool. Easy to install and easy to uninstall too. Not ready yet.
check for more info
AdminInvitable includes a generator to make devise invitable gem work with ActiveAdmin.
Communicates with com_admincredible, a Joomla! extension that adds REST like APIs to Joomla installs
Official AdminBox gem that enables advanced functionality
By passing in the current user email and the admin user email it tests if the user is classed as...
Simple admin interface for Ruby on Rails applications.
Cloud Foundry administration commands.
It's a simple gem to create admin api
Provides a basic administration interface for Rails3 applications
A rails engine for adding admin functionality.
Manage data as if you own it
Flexible admin framework for Rails
Create a table containing administrative bounds from OSM
AdminBits simplifies creation of sortable / searchable lists found in dashboards / admin panels
A gem for rails that helps with basic database authentication.
The ruby-admesh gem wraps the Admesh STL mesh manipulation tool CLI in a Ruby gem. It has the Admesh software...
Friendly mixin for working with Microsoft's ActiveDirectory
Simple role based authorization for rails
Adman makes it easy to publish your application and collaborate with other apps on your local network using Bonjour.
Amazon Device Messaging Gem
A library for obtaining statistical and real-time flows from the Unite States Geological Survey's National Water Information System
An advertising manager mountable engine
AdLocalize produces localization files from platform agnostic wording.
see for the algorithm details
Tools for legacy databases and ActiveRecord
A collection of web-api helpers and parsing utils for Adknowlege's APIs
A bundle of common marketing calculations
API client for adk2
Ruby Gem that parse patch data for comments and ToDo lists and paste them on GitHub PR.
The mdtranslator was written by the Alaska Data Integration Working Group (ADIwg) to assist with creating ISO 19139 metadata records. ...
Rails engine to generate instant reports from adhoc SQL query.
Something I needed at work so I gemmed it up...
Rails Engine to allow ActiveRecord associations be set up in the DB instead of being hard-coded.
This plugin moves the repetitive logic of adjusting mime-types from the controller into your project's mime-type declarations.
A Ruby API Wrapper
A gem to help streamline RPG development
Incomplete and in early stages.
No, really, that's all it does