Gem makes your ActiveRecord models more SEO friendly. Changes URL to look way better
Add relational feature to Rails (e.g. follow, block and like).
This gem gives functional for update elements has_many relation
ActsEnumTranslable convention translate enums with .yml file.
acts_as_xlsx lets you turn any ActiveRecord::Base inheriting class into an excel spreadsheet.
It can be added to any...
Extend Rails capabilities of importing and exporting excel files thanks to Spreadsheet gem
acts_as_working_days is a Rails plugin to add working days on models
Returns values for specified methods on each object containing mixix and values from general methods specified for models that don't...
This gem allows you to use the acts_as_wild_searchable tag to your models and make methods for each attribute to search...
Allows models to issue warnings if a task goes wrong
Rails gem to allowing records to be votable
Its provide flexibility sustem for calculate counts of page view
Rails plugin that easily allows you to show video streams on your site.
Create, Store, and Embed videos from different Oembed host using their url
Versioning of ar tables
Add simple versioning to ActiveRecord models.
ActiveRecord plugin for versioning your models. For Rails 3.
The original gem's source on github had updates that were not available in the published gem.
Active Record model versioning
A drop in replacement for acts_as_tree with super fast ancestors and subtree access
An easy way to include external video services in a rails app. This gem provides you wrappers for the most...
A gem make a model attribute acts as a type
Tumblr Essentials
Model gets: root, siblings, ancestors, descendants and other methods for tree navigation
ActsAsTreeDiagram extends ActsAsTree to add simple function for draw tree diagram with html.
A gem that adds simple support for organizing ActiveRecord models into parent–children relationships.
ActiveRecord extension that serializes destroyed records into a trash table from which they can be restored. This is intended to...
ActsAsTranslated is an acts_as for ActiveRecord that allows easy attribute translation.
add a translate box at the bottom of page.
Ruby on Rails plugin for easy translation of database fields.
Track activities in your ActiveRecord models.
Make ActiveRecord models easily searchable via tokens.
Multiple tokens for Rails application.
creates a random token number
Record one item's start and finish time
Any Ruby class with a start time and an end time will be more intuitive with ActsAsTimeFrame. It supports determining...
ActsAsTextcaptcha provides spam protection for Rails models with text-based
logic question captchas. Questions are fetched from Rob Tuley's
It adds support for Delayed Job.
Integrates multi-tenancy into a Rails application in a convenient and out-of-your way manner
In the event that you do not want to clutter your production databases with what could be temporary data you...
Description of ActsAsTemplate.
It hears you but doesn't care.
With ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, interests, and awards. It also provides...
With ActsAsTaggableOnDynamic, you can tag a single model on several contexts based on the ActsAsTaggableOn gem. This gem extends rails...
With ActsAsTaggableHstore, you can tag a single model that uses postgres hstore type
Simple tagging gem for Rails using postgres array.
Rails 3 plugin that is based on acts_as_taggable_on_steroids by jviney that is based on acts_as_taggable by DHH.
An acts-as Mixin for easy applying and searching tags/folksnomies on Active Record objects
ActsAsTable extension for parsing/serializing CSV data.
Adds a class method called sweep to ActiveRecord - used to remove old elements
A simple word suggestion
With ActsAsSubscription, you can hook your model into several subscription services, such as CheddarGetter.
acts_as_subscribable is a loose wrapper around ActiveRecord to allow a basic user subscription model.
create a url-friendly stub based on an activerecord column for your models
ActiveRecord Extension to strip whitespace from attributes before saving values
Easy way to define AR attributes that should be stripped before save
Plugin to remove spaces on fields
acts_as_statused was developed by: markbates
Given a list of datetime _at attributes allow an activerecord object to query status, change status and hold multiple states,...
Rails StatusBar with ActiveRecord integration, permits dynamic custom output from your model
acts_as_starable is a gem that allows a model to act as a starer of other models or one that can...
a simple gem to stamp created_by and updated_by attributes withe current user's login
Create virtual attributes.
ActiveRecord model w/ a start_date and an end_date == ActsAsSpan
Allows the RRN to perform garbage collection on categories that are no longer referenced.
Easy way to make sortable models in ActiveRecord
This gem adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apache Solr to any Rails model.
acts_as_social is a gem that provides basic social features, like view and controller helpers and models
Makes your Active Record models behave like content on Snapchat.
A little slug helper.
Create a slug for mongoid documents
Originally a Rails 2 plugin, this Gem ports that functionality to newer Rails versions.
It just makes sense to store mutable, site-wide, admin-level settings in the database. Right? A key-value table may be more...
Took acts_as_translatable and stripped it down
This "acts_as" extension is a clone of the well known acts_as_list, only it avoids triggering active record callbacks.
Simple Shopping Cart implementation
#execute! executes column's content as shellscript
This ActiveRecord extension provides the capability to define or map attributes in your ActiveRecord models that can be easily represented...
Let subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base to be shardable.
A gem with a mixin to let you turn a class into something that runs like a service,
which you...
Easy versioning of serialization methods
Emulates sequence in MySQL database. Useful when you want your newly created object to have unique id value.