Rubygem to removing accents.
Replace the non ascii accents in a string
Provides definitive support for Accept-* headers, strictly compliant with RFC 2616.
Includes negotiation algorithms for Media-Types, Charsets and Content-Codings.
HTTP lets clients send Accept headers. We should probably use that to work out what they'll accept as a response,...
A tool for running acceptance tests against any external web app
Description: simplifies congiguration and run of acceptance tests.
Acceptance testing
A ruby library that does content negotiation and parses and sorts http accept headers. Adheres to RFC 2616.
An API facade for the acception service. See README for more info.
A RabbitMQ subscriber that pushes messages to Acception's API. See README for more details.
Parses the Accept-Language header from an HTTP request and produces a hash of languages and qualities.
AcceptOn allows you to get paid in your customer's preferred method
accepts-flattened-values is a mixin for ActiveRecord to be used on any model with a has_many or has_and_belongs_to_many association. The purpose...
A patch for Rails to support using a public ID column instead of ID for use with accepts_nested_attributes_for
Defers saving of nested associations by ID, and adds dirty tracking of said associations to parent model
A tiny hack for Rails to make Model#as_json(include: :association) return a hash with association keys suffixed with _attributes.
Use Accept-Timezone header to set
Writing specs for complex validations is annoying. AcceptValuesFor makes iteasy to test your validations with real world values, asserting which...
A command line interface for the Accern API.
Create an app that uses AccesibleUY api!
Ruby wrapper for Access API
access2theMatrix 0.4.4 access2theMatrix is a Python library for accessing Scienta Omicron (NanoScience) (NanoTechnology) MATRIX Control System...
Permissions and access control gem for Rails.
Simple access control on controller basis
access contacts access_contacts # A flutter plugin to access and manage device contacts. Getting Started...
Easily add Access-Control headers with a handy middleware.
A simple, extendable authorization framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
Role based authorization gem
Ruby client to check for accessibility issues using
accessibility 0.4.0 accessibility is a Python module that wraps the Accessibility API for Mac OS X. It...
accessibility_bridge is a wrapper around various bits of Cocoa
so that the various accessibility projects can run on CRuby.
accessibility_core is a wrapper around the OS X Accessibility framework.
Some other extras that are intended to help build...
Simulate keyboard input via the Mac OS X Accessibility Framework. This
gem is a component of AXElements.
accessibility provider Accessibility Provider # Accessibility Features for flutter apps.
accessibility service accessibility_service # Well it's a plugin for interacting with Accessibility Service in Android. This...
accessibility stats logger Accessibility Statistics Logger # This Flutter plugin is able to gather Accessibility data...
accessibility tools accessibility_tools # Checkers and tools to ensure your app is accessible to all....
A simple and flexible means of configuration for Ruby applications.
Use reflection to spec ActiveModel accessible_attributes
Dynamic attr_accessible for Active Record, inspired by Ryan Bates Railscasts episode 237
Utility for programmatic access to TarheelReader and other accessible books
A gem to bring bootstrap3-accessibility-patches into your rails project.
Provides accessibility mechanism for data.
This is a simple mass-assignment security module loosely based on
ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity. It attempts to steal the good ideas
Adds ability to access hash elements with custom method calls.
Write accessible Ruby with this set of Rubocop rules.
AccessibleSeedYaml is wrapper of rails seed file. This wrapper provides following function: 1. Easy access interface for seed data. 2....
accessible text view accessible_text_view # Renders a native platform text view to address accessibility with embedded...
WCAG compliant balloon-style tooltip helper for Rails
accessibly Accessibly Features # Overview # The Accessibly Features app allows users to customize their...
accessing security scoped resource accessing_security_scoped_resource # Call iOS / macOS startAccessingSecurityScopedResource and stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource in Flutter....
Very lightweight permissions for Ruby.
accession 4.8.4 accession is a Python module and command line tool for submitting genomics pipeline analysis output...
A series of tools built with ruby to help ensure HTML is accessibile, including an automated evaluation tool and helpers...
accesskit 0.6.0 AccessKit Python bindings These are the bindings to use AccessKit from Python. Documentation...
Run an accessibility audit on a file or URL from the command line.
accesslint-ci runs accessibility tests in CI and comments on corresponding GitHub pull requests
Provides easy way to register actions with your models
Log access to models through your controllers.
Use the policy pattern to define access control mechanisms in Rails. Store user-level, group-level, or org-level permission on any given...
Manage grants in your applications
Welltreasure laravel api to make compatible to the architecture.
accessnriintake 0.1.3 Tools and configuration info used to manage ACCESS-NRI’s intake catalog Read the documentation here.
Sometimes you need to keep rigid logs of who created, updated and even accessed the data in your database. Accessorize...
Extends String and Symbol instances with variable/accessor methods, provides swizzling helpers, provides accessor-related math for transforming :accessor, :reader, :writer.
Functional lenses for Ruby, borrowed from Elixir
Object oriented authorization for ruby.
A range with accessible attributes. V 0.2.0 provides all range functions.
Access role management library for role-based access control, based on RDF and ActiveTriples.
Authorization for Rails
AccessSchema is a tool for ACL or tariff plans schema definition and checks