Versatile scripts
Rails based AB test framework
Yet another AB Test gem, but this supports AbstractController, not only ActionController
ab testing core AB Testing - Core # A Dart package that helps to implement multiple...
ab testing firebase AB Testing - Firebase # A Dart package that simplifies the implementation of...
abtesting sdk flutter 神策简介 # 神策数据 (Sensors Data),隶属于神策网络科技(北京)有限公司,是一家专业的大数据分析服务公司,大数据分析行业开拓者,为客户提供深度用户行为分析平台、以及专业的咨询服务和行业解决方案,致力于帮助客户实现数据驱动。神策数据立足大数据及用户行为分析的技术与实践前沿,业务现已覆盖以互联网、金融、零售快消、高科技、制造等为代表的十多个主要行业、并可支持企业多个职能部门。公司总部在北京,并在上海、深圳、合肥、武汉等地拥有本地化的服务团队,覆盖东区及南区市场;公司拥有专业的服务团队,为客户提供一对一的客户服务。公司在大数据领域积累的核心关键技术,包括在海量数据采集、存储、清洗、分析挖掘、可视化、智能应用、安全与隐私保护等领域。 More SDK 简介 # 神策...
A small rails gem for creating and recording A/B Tests
Abtion's development workflow tools
abtoast 0.0.1 abtoast is a collection of tools for A/B testing in Python.
Osbekro comments bundle
Abuelo is a graph theory library.
Geokit provides geocoding and distance/heading calculations.
Ruby Parallel Processing, Concurent Native Threads
AbundanceMatching 0.3.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
abuseACL 1.1.5 A python script to automatically list vulnerable Windows ACEs/ACLs.
AbuseIPDB is a project dedicated to helping combat the spread of hackers, spammers, and abusive activity on the internet.
abushakir Abushakir (ባሕረ ሃሳብ) # The words Bahire Hasab originate from the...
The real true only api engine
abutil abandoft开发常用工具类 # 判断系统平台 # 重启应用 # 检查更新时间 #
transaction request system for zarinpal
User Permissions for October CMS
abw flutter sdk A flutter SDK contains a digital health assessment PWA (WebView) Feature :...
abw sample packagev1 Flutter SDK SDK contains a webview feature to do a digital health assessment
abx24 1.1.2 Async Bitrix24 client for Python 3.6+ Клиент разработан на основе синхронного клиента Bitrix24-rest -...
abydos 0.5.0 Abydos CI & Test Status ...
Abyiss 1.0.1 Abyiss Python Client - WebSocket & REST APIs Python Client for Abyiss Cryptocurrency APIs.
abyme is the modern way to handle dynamic nested forms in Rails 6+.
Manage arbitrarily-deep configurations through a friendly DSL.
abyssinica 2.0.0 Locale library for the countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea. See also HornMT: a machine-learning...
abz 0.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
abzer 0.3.1 abzer═════ Install abzer as shown [here] , run it by either calling `/usr/bin/abzer' or `python...
Api Client for Typhoeus
Contacts support for Laravel
Dummy hello world package
A Laravel Bootstrap Service Provider
Provides alternative names to Laravel models.
State machines for Eloquent classes
Easy to use internationalization functions for Laravel
academiarl 0.1.0 academia This package’s purpose is to provide easy-to-use tools for Curriculum Learning. It...
Academic is a Jekyll theme with a focus on simplicity, typography and flexibility.
academicadsbibtex 0.2.3 academic-ads-bibtex API...
Official Academical API library client for ruby
A ruby api for accessing the Academic Benchmarks API. A valid subscription with accompanying credentials will be required to access...
A simple academic cv template inspired by latex documents made for jekyll. Also github pages compatible!
Academic Degree has all academic degrees of all systems and on many languages (for version 1.0.0)
Print my school grades at terminal
academicobservatoryworkflows 2022.3.0 Academic Observatory Workflows provides Apache Airflow workflows for fetching, processing and analysing data about...
Building automation and IoT control modules
Teste acai
Radiate event emitter
acall 0.0.2 acall Developer Guide Setup # create conda environment $...
Generic GeoIP lookup tool. Based on the geoip_city RubyGem by Ryan Dahl
a cameras Cameras Plugin # A Flutter plugin for accessing camera features across multiple platforms with...
A PHP package to easily convert IP Addresses from any format to any format.
acanban 0.1.3 Acanban Acanban is an academic Kanban board. It aims to provide a collaboration...
acanthis Acanthis # Acanthis is a Validation library heavily inspired by Zod. It is designed to...
An OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
Ruby interface to Acapela's API for generating speech from text. More info
Ruby implementation of the Acquia Cloud API.
A client-server model talk tool. Server speak characters that client was typing.
Simple URL slugger (latinise) for all utf-8 character from all languages.
Swedish language pack.
Access API Acasi
ActiveRecord CSV Builder
This gem allows easy conversion and management of xcode asset catalogs.
ac bcp47 BCP-47 # BCP-47 related types with parsing, formatting, canonicalization and format validation. Features...
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Interface for the ACC Device Enrollment Program API
acc2psql 0.0.8 acc2psql Convert Microsoft Access *.accdb or *.mdb into *.sql PostgreSQL format I believe...
accelerator 2024.9.13 The Accelerator is a tool for fast and reproducible processing of large amounts of data.
acceleratortoolbox 0.6.1 Introduction Accelerator Toolbox is a code used for simulating particle accelerators, used particularly...
A simple Ruby-level GC thread used with other ruby-accel gems.
accemus Accemus # Tool for fetching substitution plans from DSB/DSBMobile and parsing Untis...
Add "String#accent_buster" that replaces diacritics marks by their non-diacritic equivalents.