absmartly sdk A/B Smartly Flutter SDK # A/B Smartly Flutter SDK Compatibility # The...
Absmartly gem
absolang 0.0.2 A sentiment analysis library for detecting absolutist language. Quickstart Installation:...
absolufyimports 0.3.1 absolufy-imports A tool and pre-commit hook to automatically convert relative imports to absolute....
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
absoluteimport 0.4 absolute-import About Package providing a one-line functionality to set up a project for...
Convert relative paths to absolute URIs.
AbsoluteRenamer is a very powerful tool that helps files and directories renaming using the Krename syntax. Unlike many batch renaming...
AbsoluteRenamer extension that provides date functions (such as NOW or file date, ...) to include in the filename format
This gem provides a monotonically increasing timer to permit safe measurement of time intervals.
Using Time.now for measuring intervals...
A Laravel Nova slider field.
Absolute URL detection and construction
URI Absolitizing parser
Test suite utility with Symfony2 kernel mocking support.
This gem provides a ruby wrapper for Absorb's LearningManagement System API.
absorbing centrality 0.1.0 This is an implementation of the absorbing random-walk centrality measure for nodes in...
A DataMapper adapter for System Shepherd flavored REST services
Splits experiment cohorts for A/B testing
Rack based split testing framework
absplit 1.4.5 ABSplit Split your data into matching A/B/n groups
abssmt 1.0.1 Brief Description This is a introductory level project that teaches RubyLearning’s “An Introduction to...
prime,matrix, polynomial,etc
Abstat is a simple library to help with analyzing the results of A/B test.
AbstInt provide abstract integer. This can be used to test exhaustively.
'abstract.rb' is a library which enable you to define abstract method in Ruby.
a modular cellular automata engine with the goal of providing a simulation service framework
Library for define abstract method. Can know unimplemented abstract methods by fail fast as possible. This mechanism is very useful...
A rack based app analyzer
abstractapi 1.0.0 Abstract API Python SDK This is a simple and intuitive Python SDK...
An abstract REST API wrapper based on missing_method magic
A gem to safely provide external application resources with a coherent and configurable API to a host application's authentication procedures.
Wrapper for Abstract Avatars by Streamline to use in Ruby on Rails projects
Abstract Class pattern gem for Ruby
AbstractBuilder gives you a simple DSL for declaring structures that beats manipulating giant hash structures.
An implementation of the "abstract class" design pattern in Ruby
An Abstraction that lets you interact with commands as if they were objects
This gem tries to mock some data types by mainly providing conversion between them and the built-in data types.
abstract date abstract_date # // registering the date systems that we want to use. //...
Abstracted has a lot of inspiration from gems like resources_controller by Ian White!
abstract_feature_branch is a Ruby gem that provides a unique variation on the Branch by Abstraction Pattern by Paul Hammant and...
Gem to simplify AR queries, it executes query and includes relations.
This is totally a work in progress. Ask me if you want to use it so I can explain the...
Abstract Graph is a graphing library that can create
Simple abstract generation library for Ruby.
Library for implementing true Abstract classes, throwing errors when class is created, instead of when missing methods are called.
Generate abstract images
Abstract Interface for the Crystal Framework
Abstract classes for Ruby
abstractionsaimedic 0.1.15 Abstractions for AIMedic's training pipeline Abstractions for main components in AIMedic's tensorflow-based projects....
Base utilities and framework for Abstractive gems.
Simple mixin to provide abstract class functionality
abstract kv store Abstraction layer for common key-value store libraries (WIP). Currently only supports Hive (without...
The abstract syntax tree for ruby mappers
Abstract Method is a tiny library enabling you to define abstract methods in Ruby classes and modules.
Lets you define abstract methods that raise when called
ActionMailer-like interface for any type of notifications
A Rails engine gem for deriving discrete data points from narrative text via natural language processing (NLP). The gem includes...
abstractor 4.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Abstract classes gem
abstracts 0.0.12 Abstract class and interface definitions. Create an abstract.Abstraction An Abstraction is...
It reverse an SQL statement to a Perl SQL::Abstract JSON format.
create resource based configuration DSL
The best I could come up with was to just show you:
$ atcat dbi://pg/localhost/database_name/table_name csv://table_name.csv
abstracttracker 0.1.1 Welcome to abstract_tracker Documentation 📔 See Full Documentation HERE. This library...
abstracttree 0.0.5 This Python package contains a few abstract base classes for tree data structures. Trees...
Module to declare abstract classes and methods
Validators creation gem
Standard OOP abstract entities for proper SOLID
Add abstract syntax that target method requires subclass implementation.
Absurdly simple a/b testing
Return true or false, by set probability. Decide by arg.
Always Be Testing Yo! A testing framework that runs on IronWorker http://www.iron.io
Payment Framework focused on Authorize.net CIM for dealing with stored credit card transactions.