zsdk zsdk # Zebra Link OS SDK Flutter plugin. # This is a flutter plugin...
Simple HTML UI written in PHP for executing GIT commands from web page
code editor extension for laravel-admin, customized for NOJ.
Perform tasks asynchronously without external tools
Real-time type-ahead completion for Zsh
Auto-close and delete matching delimiters in zsh
Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh
zsh calendar zsh_calendar # A new Flutter package project. 日历组件,支持周日切换,支持滑动收缩,支持上下页跳转,支持跳到某个日期,支持边界效果, 日历中每个日期、周的widget都可自定义 # This project...
Additional completion definitions for zsh
zshcompose 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Debugger for zsh
Feature-rich syntax highlighting for Zsh
Informative git prompt for zsh
Zsh port of Fish shell's history search
Zsh curses-based tools, e.g. multi-word history searcher
Fish shell like syntax highlighting for zsh
Better and friendly vi(vim) mode plugin for ZSH
ZSH plugin that reminds you to use existing aliases for commands you just typed
zsm hello plugin hello_plugin # flutter create --template=plugin --platforms=android,ios -i objc -a java hello_plugin copied...
zssget 1.1.4 UNKNOWN
Interactive file transfers over SSH
zstd ffi Zstandard library(zstd) ffi binding for Dart Features # ✅...
zsw ecommerce zsw_ecommerce # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
Zorto PWA Theme Simplife configuration extension
ztexts ztexts # a simple tool for fetching texts and consuming them. The original purpose...
z time ago This package is used to get time duration from now and given time for...
z tools z_tools # 介绍 # 集成了一些通用的 flutter 工程使用的工具。包括计算 widget size, 一些有用的扩展,像 Map.forceConvertMap, List.tryGet 和...
ztranslator 1.0.0 ztranslator Simples tradutor de linha de comando. Você pode configurar uma combinação de teclas...
Add watermark to image
Example Skeleton Application for Hazaar MVC
A session library for PHP.
zubkit core
zugclient Basic Flutter/Dart Client Package for the ZugServ Library Features # Enables the rapid creation...
z ui 功能说明 # 目前是一些开发过程中需要用到的布局ui的二次封装,增加一些方便开发的方法等 copied to clipboard 安装方法 # 引用 #...
z ui plus Z UI PLUS # This is a package for styling your UI....
zuk fancy container Fancy Containers # Fancy container package lets you add a beautiful gradient container...
zulipterm 0.7.0 Recent changes | Configuration | Hot Keys | FAQs | Development | Tutorial
zuobei PHP SDK
zuoxiangqicheng 2024.3.5.0 坐享其成 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/zuoxiangqicheng docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
zupdate zupdate # A simple plugin version update for flutter. On Android it...
zupi zupi # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
Zero-dependency enumeration class code generator
PHP wrapper for blagues-api
Laravel ImageX Storage
zustand This package aims to bring the joy of zustand to dart. A huge shoutout to @dai-shi,...
Encoders for Cxense Data
Simple tree list handling package
Allow to load fixtures datasets through command line.
Template engine with auto escaping html entities and with full PHP-native code support
Class to find files and folders, apply callbacks to it and etc
The markdown and text processor that Nuclear CMS needs.
Send live notification to Slack chat based on redmine working hours.
PHP High Level REST Client
MarkList for Nette Framework
zwap design system zwap_design_system # The Zwap design system kit General Info # This...
zwap utils zwap_utils # A Flutter library to handle Util functions in any Zwap project...
zwave zwave.dart # zwave is a Dart package for interacting with Z-Wave devices. Overview #
A library for cards games.
OpenImmo library for PHP7/8. Read and write OpenImmo xml format with JMS Serializer.
zweidenker heinzelmen ZWEIDENKER Heinzelmen # These are little helper heinzelmen to help Flutter Development at ZWEIDENKER
building blocks for functional php
pattern matching for php
WordPress plugin for fixing social sharing issues
zwende 20190716.1 Sometimes it is beneficial to hide a ‘plain text’ message within plain text. This module...
PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel
zwidget ZWidget creates a 3D-like visual by stacking widgets one above the other and transforming them adequately.
zwj scan plugin zwj_scan_plugin # A new Flutter scan plugin. Getting Started # This...
zx 0.7.0 zx ZX Spectrum Emulator written in a mix of Python and C++.
zxcvbn Zxcvbn-Dart # zxcvbn is a password strength estimator inspired by password crackers, developed...
zxcvbnm A password strength estimator inspired by password crackers. This is a Dart rewrite of...
zxcvbnm flutter Translations for zxcvbnm for use in Flutter. Usage # import 'package:zxcvbnm_flutter/zxcvbnm_flutter.dart'; ...
zxing2 zxing-dart # ZXing ("zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library....
zxing lib ZXing-Dart # A Dart port of zxing that encode and decode multiple...
zxing widget ZXing Widget(Dart) # A Barcode Generator Widget that can be embedded inside...