aclib.threads 1.0.0 Installation pip install aclib.threads Usage from aclib.threads import Thread
aclib.web 1.0.0 Installation pip install aclib.web Usage from aclib import web...
aclib.winlib 1.1.1 Installation pip install aclib.winlib Usage from aclib.winlib import winapi, wincon,...
aclib.wmi 1.0.0 Installation pip install aclib.wmi Usage from aclib.wmi import WMI...
aclients 1.0.1 aclients 基于sanic扩展,各种数据库异步crud操作,各种请求异步crud操作,本repo是个基础封装库,直接用于各个业务系统中 Installing aelog pip install aclients ...
acllog 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Besides log levels, callstack you get easy parsable time stamps, log level marker and some.
Your summary here
aclpwn 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ACLS is a library for autoloading Ruby source files in one or more directory trees.
acls 1.0.2 @cls - Class Made Aware to Decorator
An access control gem for Rails. A flexible declarative way of protecting your various controller actions using roles.
Scrapes ACLU court documents then extracts the plaintext and metadata.
aclvlpermissions 0.1.0 My Django Permissions A custom Django permissions package. Installation pip install aclvl_permissions
Acmaker is a tool to manage AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). It defines the state of ACM using DSL, and updates...
acmautovalidate 0.0.5 ACM Auto-Validate Construct Overview The ACM Auto-Validate Construct is designed to automate the...
Lolcommits refactored for use at the UIUC branch of ACM.
A namespace for mischief and silliness, feel free to publish your own Acme::* gems
Rails engine for generating SSL certificates using the ACME challenge and response method
The first time you run your code after requiring this module it will bleach your file, your code still runs...
Client for the ACME protocol.
thinkphp wxapp 小程序线传 扫码发布小程序 扫码自动发布
acme common acme demo package
When you're ready to live in more of an uncertain world. Just require this module, and when you observe true...
Ruby port of Acme::JapaneseAvActress
acme login acme login
Provides a client library for interacting with the acme-manager server
( which assists with issuing lets-encrypt certificates
acmemgmtserver 0.4.1 ACME Management Server (ACMEMS) LetsEncrypt supports issuing free certificates by communication via...
acmens 0.3.0 acmens A fork of acme-nosudo. It uses ACMEv2 protocol and requires Python 3....
CLI tool to obtain certificates via ACME and update the matching TLSA records.
The primary authentication method is...
Manage your keys, requests and certificates.
acme-plugin is a Ruby on Rails helper for ACME protocol services, ie. Let's Encryptfor retrieving SSL certificates (without using sudo,...
A cli interface for ACMEv2 DNS challenges with Route53
"S/mileage" is one of highly famous Japanese pop stars.
This module, acme-smileage, provides an easy method to catch up with...
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using OpenStack Designate.
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using Google Cloud DNS
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using NS1 API.
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using Verisign REST API.
a-blog cms をrubyで操作したい
acnawebcli 0.1.0 Welcome to cli-tools This is a Python library for testing
A quick and dirty tool for analysis of transition and transversion frequency aross and alignment
Get things informations from Animal Crossing New Horizons using Warning: That doesn't get informations from players. Only included things.
acnutils 0.6.3 A collection of various scripts used by AntiCompositeNumber’s bots. Feel free to use this...
ac oauth2 client Unopinionated OAuth 2.0 client # An unopinionated RFC-compliant OAuth 2.0 client which doesn't...
`acoc` is a regular expression based colour formatter for programs
that display output on the command-line.
It works as...
a colors a_colors (All Colors) # A new Flutter package contains 140 colors. By adding this...
Socials Share Buttons
acomprehensiveguidetomachinelearningucbcs189 2024.3.4.0 A Comprehensive Guide to Machine Learning (UCB CS189) 下载 Docker docker pull...
A gem to enforce webpage accessibility'
acopy 0.7.0 ACOpy Ant Colony Optimization for the Traveling Salesman...
A Ruby toolbox for implementing the specifications of the Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development.
acoreconf 0.1.2 Welcome to acore_conf Documentation 背景 AzerothCore (acore) 是一个开源的魔兽世界模拟器, 其代码质量以及文档是目前 (2023 年)...
acoreconstants 0.3.1 Welcome to acore_constants Documentation 由于 acore 项目过于复杂, 它由有非常多个开源子项目. 虽然这些项目之间已经尽量解耦了并且尽量保持互相独立, 不过他们之间总是需要引用一些常量. 所以我们单独开了一个项目来管理这些常量, 以供在其他项目中引用. 避免了这些子项目之间互相引用的麻烦....
acoredbapp 0.2.4 Welcome to acore_db_app Documentation AzerothCore 魔兽世界服务器后端有一个数据库. 基于数据库我们可以开发出很多有创造力的 App. 这里有两个痛点: ...
acoredbsshtunnel 0.1.4 Welcome to acore_db_ssh_tunnel Documentation 出于安全考虑, 通常数据库都会被部署到私网中, 是不允许直接从公网访问的. 为了能让开发者从工具配置齐全的开发电脑连接到数据库, 通常采用跳板机 + SSH Tunnel 技术实现. 具体方法是用...
acoredf 0.1.1 Welcome to acore_df Documentation 这个项目是为了解决在修改 Azerothcore 世界数据库, 会存在很多 ID code 到人类友好的名字的转换问题. 在以前,...
acorepaths 0.4.1 Welcome to acore_paths Documentation Azerothcore 魔兽世界服务器上的文件目录结构定义. 你可以直接用 import acore_paths.api as acore_paths 来 import 这些路径,...
acoreserver 1.1.4 Welcome to acore_server Documentation 项目背景 一个魔兽世界服务器由一个 EC2 游戏服务器 和一个 RDS DB...
acoreserverbootstrap 1.2.1 Welcome to acore_server_bootstrap Documentation 项目背景 在大规模游戏服务器 (Azerothcore) 部署的流程中, 我们通常会将其分为以下几个步骤:
acoreserverconfig 0.6.3 Welcome to acore_server_config Documentation 魔兽世界服务器集群的配置管理工具.
acoreservermetadata 1.1.1 Welcome to acore_server_metadata Documentation 背景 AzerothCore (acore) 是一个开源的魔兽世界模拟器, 其代码质量以及文档是目前 (2023 年)...
acoreservermonitoringcore 0.1.2 Welcome to acore_server_monitoring_core Documentation This project works with acore_server_monitoring_measurement, acore_server_monitoring_analytics together, provides server monitoring...
acoreservermonitoringmeasurement 0.2.1 Welcome to acore_server_monitoring_measurement Documentation 这个 Python 库提供了对服务器监控数据的采集功能. 它有两种模式: telemetry:...
acoresoap 0.2.1 Welcome to acore_soap Documentation azerothcore 魔兽世界服务器 自带一个类似于 Terminal 的交互式 Console. GM 可以在里面输入命令来创建账号,...
acoresoapagent 0.2.1 Welcome to acore_soap_agent Documentation 在阅读本项目文当前, 请先阅读 acore_soap-project 的 README 的第一段来了解 acore soap...
acoresoapapp 0.3.7 Welcome to acore_soap_app Documentation azerothcore 魔兽世界服务器 自带一个类似于 Terminal 的交互式 Console. GM 可以在里面输入命令来创建账号,...
acoresoapremote 0.1.1 Welcome to acore_soap_remote Documentation 在阅读本项目文当前, 请先阅读 acore_soap-project 的 README 的第一段来了解 acore soap...
A DSL for seed.rb
acorn 0.0.15 Automatic Computational Research Notebook acorn uses the mutability of python objects, together with...
A gem to generate page entries for jekyll sites
lib for dekuan image server
A simple HTTP interface to the API.
acoutreams 0.0.0 acoutreams The package AcouTREAMS adopts the framework of the TREAMS package for acoustic wave...
acpcalendar 1.7.0 ============ACP-Calendar============.. image:: :target: image:: :target: image:: :target: image::