A Ruby gem to facilitate gathering contribution information from...
actcms flutter vnpay ACTCMS Flutter VNPAY Package # Introduction # Show up VNPAY...
ActDeact 1.0.0 A very simple [De]Activator for config files This tool renames files by adding and...
acted.projects 0.6 UNKNOWN
Command line client for APIs described by JSON Schema
acter avatar Acter Avatar # Acter Avatar is a package to generate different shapes of avatars...
actfw 1.4.0 DEPRECATED Actcast Application Framework for Python This package provides a Python API for developing...
actfwcore 2.5.0 actfw-core Core components of actfw, a framework for Actcast Application written in Python....
actfwcore 2.7.0 actfw-core Core components of actfw, a framework for Actcast Application written in Python....
actfwgstreamer 0.2.0 actfw-gstreamer actfw's components using GStreamer for implementation. actfw is a framework for Actcast...
actfwjetson 0.1.3 actfw-jetson actfw's components for Jetson series. actfw is a framework for Actcast Application...
actfwraspberrypi 3.1.0 actfw-raspberrypi actfw's components for Raspberry Pi. actfw is a framework for Actcast Application...
Let your objects play an acting - just for a while
actinisdjangostorages 1.12.6 Installation Installing from PyPI is as easy as doing: pip install django-storages...
OpenAI PHP for Laravel is a supercharged PHP API client that allows you to interact with the Open AI API
Isolate Rails actions in their own classes.
Better jobs. Good jobs.
Pull in recent blog posts from Actionable public websites to make a 'You Might Also Like' widget
A simple extra bundle for Symfony2
SSH Client For Laravel.
Gem that helps process Amazon Alexa Intents with Rails
This gem introduces means for describing the content of methods in a human readable way. The descriptions are parsed and...
Rails plugin gem that supports Merbish style controller action arguments.
Allows to record models changes
Keep an audit trail of actions in your application
Using the built in features of Rails, ActionAuth provides a simple way to authorize users to perform actions on your...
Rails authorization with controllers's actions.
action bloc action_bloc # Extends bloc with a second stream for actions (one time events that...
Automates Backend and Frontend Development. Supports Granular Authorization. Leverages PostgreSQL for Performance. Encourages Task Oriented UI
action bloc test action_bloc_test # Package to make creating tests for action_bloc easy. This package...
Create telegram bots with rails like structure with ease
action bottom sheet This package is still under development, and some Functions might not be available yet.
action box A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import...
action box generator A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example:...
action broadcast action_broadcast # 一个简单的全局广播系统,类似于Android的本地广播 Usage # 添加 action_broadcast 到...
action cable ActionCable in Dart # ActionCable is the default realtime websocket framework and protocol in...
Automatically extracts ActionCable objects into parameters
Manage Action Cable subscriptions using data-* attributes
A ruby client for interacting with Rails' ActionCable
Enhances ActionCable's built in Postgres adapter with handling of the 8000 byte limit for PostgreSQL NOTIFY payloads and allows usage...
Rails engine that provides Automatic realtime notification broadcast for ActiveRecord models changes using Action Cable and websockets
Backports Action Cable 7.1 Redis adapter for older versions
A patch for ActionCable Redis that reconnects after it disconnects
action cable stream ActionCable in Dart using streams # ActionCable is the default realtime websocket framework...
Implements a SubscriptionAdapter for ActionCable which uses a configurable Redis client.
Here you can add callbacks to your models using `before_action`, `after_action`
Coming soon...
action channel Action Channel # Communication channel, that bundles a sink and a stream. Wrapper with...
Easy server on websockets.
Context awareness for Rails 3
Authenticate and authorize your users directly in your controllers.
A gem to easily filter out unwanted parameters in ActionController.
Easily access parent resources
Embed a controller flow within another by stashing the final redirect upfront and performing it after completing.
You can implement twirp service with Rails controller
ActionCost measures the performance of a Rails 3 app controller actions in terms of number of calls to the database...
Action Counter
Easy to Export CSV from Active Record Models.
Not only for exporting CSV, But also uploading CSV to Google Cloud...
actiondebug is a utility that can give you more insight
into the structure of your Rails application. It...
Simple Decorator Pattern for more Object-Oriented Views in Rails
This is my longer description
Directs objects' behaviors
Serves the .gz files that are created by the asset precompiler
Backport https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/33829 to older Rails
Restores response predicates removed from ActionDispatch::TestResponse in Rails 6
Action Draft brings your ActiveRecord model to storage multiple draft attributes without add columns to the business table.
Arguments extractor for Rails actions.
Action Facade provides a simple interface for data required by view / controller.
Your factories are now classes.
Call action on ActiveRecord Fields
An alternative layer to accepts_nested_attributes_for by using Form Models.
A web framework built on top of Rack, it has the simplicity of sinatra and the structure of rails
ActionGmailer, oauth/gmail delivery method