Объектная модель доступа к сессии
From an existing database for laravel 5 Create Migrations Models, Seeds, Factories, and Tests
Маршрутизатор HTTP-запросов
Объектно-реляционное преобразование данных
A multitool library offering access to recommended security related libraries, standardised implementations of security defences, and secure implementations of commonly...
Валидаторы и фильтры
Механизм внедрения зависимостей
A common paginator interface for PHP
The data aggregator cumulates information provided by a loader and routes them to a persistence layer
Create a resource API for Laravel 5.2: entity, repository, manager, validator, controller, migration, table , route and documentation
Test package
Nette: Standard Web Project | Divisions Edition
CruftFlake - a stab at a version of Twitter Snowflake but in PHP with a simple ZeroMQ interface.
Adi JavaScript Tools for PHP
Use laravel 5.2 for command-line and PHAR.
A library for generating mnemonics from byte strings.
A bundle like framework for Silex 2.x
This module provides an API to by used to persist/cache information.
Database Driven Hierarchical Laravel Menu
WPDB Based Post Iterator for WordPress
Symfony2 bundle for files uploading and images processing
Additional CSSminFilter and UriPrependFilter, using the mrclay/minify libraries
Authentication through Jira
A lightweight PHP paginator, for generating pagination controls in the style of Stack Overflow and Flickr. The 'first' and 'last'...
Bridge of query string and output.
Overridden SLIM reponses
easy for get&post
Implement amcharts3 on Yii2
Shopify Client
This library is a factory to instantiate storage adapters based on the Flysystem or Gaufrette library. It can deal with...
Doctrine migrations service provider for Silex 2
An object oriented configuration library
Class Generator
A lightweight client for Five9 Config Web Services API
The PHP SDK of AfterShip API
Wakatime strategy for Opauth
The package can add service providers to your app.php when composer update finishes
Compiler for converting pbj schemas into jsonschema, php, js, etc.
Elasticsearch PHP integration for your Symfony2 project using Elastica
Whoops Slack Handler.
JSONApi.org implementation for Silex framework.
Cothema: EU Cookies
Install laravel with any version you want.
Regular Expression Tool
Memcached service for Silex.
Provides an object interface for managing data parameters
Promise for PHP
Picoframework as it best.
A simple database logger for all outgoing emails sent by Laravel website. Forked from Alexander Shvets
RESTFul Web Framework
Symfony bundle for prooph components to get started out of the box with message bus, CQRS, event sourcing and snapshots
This bundle for Symfony3 replaces the mutable DateTime classes with DateTimeImmutable in forms
This module adds to your website support for TO-DO Lists.
This module adds support for dynamic menus with permissions.
Nette komponenta pro výpis Twitter Bootstrap alertů
Log management from web views
A simple library to parse the most important information from RSS and Atom feeds.
Services adapter para validação de usuário
A simple producer/consumer and RPC message queue on top of Redis and the equally fantastic Predis
Timiki users bundle for symfony
Timiki RPC client common
Timiki Geonames bundle
Symfony Bundle for Fastbill API.
Automatic detection of locales for Zend Framework 2
Additional result formats for Semantic MediaWiki queries
A class that enables serialization of closure.
The core module of MToolkit framework
snapshot global variable
PHP framework to write less and do more
Responsible to create objects to handle data integrity based on the context which they are created
Abstraction of some Message Queuing system using Adapter pattern
Iris plugin to provide integration between your webservices
PHPlot - Create charts in PHP