Aikatsu calendar
aikautilities 1.0.0 This is part of the aika project for time series analyses. These utilities contain...
PHP library for Aikidesk Instance API
aikido firewall 0.1.19 Aikido Firewall for Python 3 Aikido Firewall is an embedded Web Application Firewall...
AIKIF 0.2.2 AIKIF - Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Information Framework This is an information classification framework that...
aikit 0.2.2 aikit Automatic Tool Kit for Machine Learning and Datascience. The objective is to...
aiko services 0.5 Aiko Services Distributed system framework supporting AIoT, Machine Learning, Media streaming and...
ail 0.2.8 ail is a generalized framework for interacting with… well, stuff. It is sometimes better to...
AI Lab helps our large fast-growing community of developers get started on AI. You can experience, learn and code the...
ail auth Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
ailearn 此为ailearn人工智能算法包。包含了Swarm、RL、nn、utils四个模块。 Swarm模块当中,实现了粒子群算法、人工鱼群算法、萤火虫算法和进化策略,以及一些对智能算法进行评估的常用待优化的函数。 RL模块包括两部分,TabularRL部分和Environment部分。TabularRL部分集成了一些经典的强化学习算法,包括Q学习、Q(Lambda)、Sarsa、Sarsa(lambda)、Dyna-Q等。Environment部分集成了一些强化学习经典的测试环境,如FrozenLake问题、CliffWalking问题、GridWorld问题等。 nn模块包括一些常用的激活函数及损失函数。 utils模块包括一些常用的功能,包括距离度量、评估函数、PCA算法、标签值与one-hot编码的相互转换、Friedman检测等等。 安装方式(在终端中输入):
ailext Kod yazmayı kısaltan ve basitleştiren küçük kestirmeler Features # Bişiler. Getting started #
Yii2 extension widget of layer
ailib 0.3.dev1 Python Artificial Intelligence Framework Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Jeremie DECOCK ( Web...
ailink ailink # ##中文 AiLink broadcast scale data decryption and body fat algorithm Flutter library.
ailink food probe ailink_food_probe # ##中文 AiLink probe and probe box protocol data processing Flutter...
Object, Data and Form for easier life
ailment 9.2.117 AILment AIL is the angr intermediate...
ai load status ai_load_status # English...
aim2dat 0.1.0 aim2dat: Automated Ab-Initio Materials Modeling and Data Analysis Toolkit Python library for pre-, post-processing...
aim3 AppImages-Manager A little project i made for myself to sort my AppImages collection....
aimaintainergitutil 0.1.1 AI Maintainer Git Util A git util for...
Product Manager Module for RefinedCMS
aimap 1.5.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aimaps 0.0.3 aimaps Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to...
aimdfragmentation 1.0.29 Automated Fragmentation AIMD Calculation ...
Aimelia 15 A simple todo list.
The simplest PHP wrapper for Supercell API
Aimeos ezPublish integration
Professional, full-featured and ultra fast SlimPHP e-commerce package for (TV-approved) online shops
Aimeos 3rd party message queue integration
WeWork API SDK, 企业微信接口客户端SDK封装
This bundle allows you to easily process outbound messages sent by Salesforce.
aimetadata 1.0.0 AI-Metadata AI-Metadata is a helper library to detect and extract metadata about AI/ML models...
aiminimizationtoolkit 0.0.1 The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandates the principle of data minimization, which requires...
aimlbotkernel 1.0.4 This is a Jupyter kernel that deploys a chatbot, implemented using the python-aiml package....
Kerisy framework boilerplate
aimmocore 0.1.15 AIMMO Core Curation Service The Aimmocore Curation SDK is a Python package that selects...
AIMOAnswers 0.0.1 AIMO (see aimo folder for source code :) This is a repo containing the...
aimodel 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aimodels 0.6.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aimodelsaurora 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aimodelsgfs 0.0.10 ai-models-gfs This package is based on ECMWF's ai-models package, adding options to retrieve GFS...
Support for generation and parsing of input and output files for FHI-AIMS DFT package
aimsconvert 2.2 AIMS Roster Data Extraction This will primarily be of interest to easyJet pilots. It...
aimsgb 1.1.1 Introduction aimsgb, an efficient and open-source Python library for generating atomic coordinates in periodic...
This gem simplifies and streamlines the calculation pipeline for FHI-AIMS.
HTTP API client for the terminal
ain 0.0.2 ain Developer Guide Setup # create conda environment $...
Code generation for WordPress
ainconv 0.4.0 ainconv - Ainu language script converter ...
aindapy 0.0.14 import aindapy import random import time import json import datetime...
aindex2 1.1.3 aindex: perfect hash based index for genomic data ...
aindsession 0.2.5 aind-session User-friendly tools for accessing paths, metadata and assets related to AIND sessions....
NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) ruby gem.
aineko 0.4.0 Aineko Aineko is a Python framework for building data applications. With Aineko, you...
ainekopluginsnodesfastapiserver 0.0.3 aineko-plugins-nodes-fastapi-server The aineko-plugins-nodes-fastapi-server package is a plugin for the Aineko framework. It provides...
ainekopluginsnodeshttppoller 0.0.3 aineko-plugins-nodes-http-poller The aineko-plugins-nodes-http-poller package is a plugin for the Aineko framework. It provides...
ainekopluginsnodeswebsocketclient 0.0.3 aineko-plugins-nodes-websocket-client The aineko-plugins-nodes-websocket-client package is a plugin for the Aineko framework. It provides...
aineko style 0.0.2 aineko_style A pylint checker for misc style conventions We adopt the Google...
This gem contains a grouping of ruby tools related to Artificial Intelligence
and Automatic Natural Language Processing
HTML5 Application Assembler
ai notification enable ai_notification_enable # English...
A gem to send messagesto loved ones
ainpy 1.3.0 ain-py A python version of ain-js. Installation pip install ain-py
Provides an abstract interface to Ruby
Robust library for remotely controlling Arduino boards using the serial port.
aio1cconnect 0.0.3 aio-connect aio-connect — пакет предназначенный для создания ботов в среде 1С-Коннект. За основу...
aio4chan 0.0.0 Contents 4chan API reader. Installing python3 -m pip...
aioairtable 0.1.6 Key Features Asyncio and aiohttp based All airtable REST API methods...
aioairzone 0.8.2 aioairzone Python library to control Airzone devices....
aioairzone 0.9.3 aioairzone Python library to control Airzone devices....