Aidmock, safe mocking and interfacing for Ruby
aidockermon 0.10.3 aidockermon Monitor system load of the server running the nvidia/cuda...
aidocs flutter view AIDocs Flutter View # This is a Flutter view for the docs....
A very small wrapper around the AidsInfo Drug Info database
aidutils 0.0.6 aidutils
aiedgelitert 1.0.1 LiteRT is the official solution for running machine learning models on mobile and embedded...
aiedgequantizernightly 0.0.1.dev20240829 It aims to facilitate advanced users to strive for optimal performance on resource demanding...
aiedgetorch 0.2.0 Library that supports converting PyTorch models into a .tflite format, which can then be...
aieval 0.0.1 ai-eval
Aperture in Focus Theme for 2020 commons gem
aifashionsdk 1.2.0 AIFashion python sdk AF Open API 本项目是AIFashion® HTTP API的一个封装,旨在为开发者提供简洁高效的SDK。 该SDK可以自动完成身份认证、访问令牌获取、令牌自动更新,并提供各个功能的接口。 ID...
AIfESConverter 1.0.0 AIfES-Converter This is a convert tool to create AIfES models for direct use in...
aiforce 0.0.2 AI-Force A machine learning toolbox. Install You can...
aiforward 0.0.1 中文 | English OpenAI Forward ...
ai.fri3d 0.0.17 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ai function Defines the annotations used by ai_function_generator to create code automatically with GPT-4. For details...
ai function generator How to use ai_function_generator # 1. Prepare your machine # ...
aifunctools 0.1.2 Functools for OpenAI GPT Functions OpenAI just released GPT Functions: But it's...
aigadjangoamqp 0.0.2 merupakan package khusus django untuk keperluan berkomunikasi dengan rabbitmq Quick start...
This gem provides a framework that can be used to implement a bot for The
AI Games' competition 'Four in...
This gem contains a simple logging facility that can be used in The AI Games'
competitions to log events. It...
This gem provides a parser that can be used to communicate with the game engine
in The AI Games' competitions....
aigc 2023. 🔥aigc🔥 Install pip install -U aigc Docs...
aigenmol The author of this package has not provided a project description
Display single or group images in a lightbox.
Adds the Aight shim into your Rails assets
SparkPost driver for the Lumen PHP framework.
Пакет для математики
aigramspm 0.0.8 AI Grams PM Project Explore the docs »
Aigu is a set of utility to process localization files to generate JSON files to send to Accent as well...
Add support for Rails locales with aigu
aihorde 0.3 Async Python client library for AI Horde Installation: Warning: supports only Python 3.11...
aihub The author of this package has not provided a project description
aihwkit 0.9.2 IBM Analog Hardware Acceleration Kit
aiiadjangorestswagger 1.0.0 Django REST Swagger An API documentation generator for Swagger UI and Django REST Framework.
aiidaabinit 0.5.0 aiida-abinit This is an AiiDA plugin for ABINIT. Installation
aiidabandsinspect 0.4.0 aiida-bands-inspect This is an AiiDA plugin to run calculations with the bands-inspect code. It...
aiidacore 2.6.2 AiiDA ( is a workflow manager for computational science with a strong focus on provenance,...
aiidacorebot 1.0.0b5 AiiDA Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science AiiDA is a...
aiidacp2k 2.0.0 AiiDA CP2K AiiDA plugin for CP2K. Installation If you use pip, you...
aiidacp2kng 1.0.0b2 AiiDA CP2K The CP2K plugin for the AiiDA workflow and provenance engine.
aiidafenics 0.1.0 Enabling usage of the FEniCS computing platform with AiiDA
aiida firecrest 0.1.0a1 aiida-firecrest [IN-DEVELOPMENT] AiiDA Transport/Scheduler plugins for interfacing with FirecREST Installation (pip...
aiidalab 24.7.0 AiiDAlab package The aiidalab package manages AiiDAlab applications within the AiiDAlab Docker stack. It...
aiidalabeln 0.1.3 AiiDAlab-ELN Integrate AiiDAlab with Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELN). This repository implements a...
aiidalabwidgetsbase 2.2.2 AiiDAlab Widgets AiiDAlab applications typically involve some of following steps: Prepare...
aiidanwchem 3.0.1 aiida-nwchem AiiDA-NWChem is the AiiDA plugin for the NWChem code. The plugin provides...
aiidaoptimade 1.2.0 OPTIMADE API implementation for AiiDA The compatibility matrix below assumes the user always install...
aiida orca 0.7.0 aiida-orca AiiDA plugin for orca package DISCLAIMER: Under heavy development!
aiidaphonopy 1.1.4 aiida-phonopy This is the official AiiDA plugin for...
aiidaproject 0.5.1 AiiDA-Project Tool for managing AiiDA "projects" - Python environments tailored to AiiDA with separated...
aiidaquantumespresso 4.6.0 aiida-quantumespresso This is the official AiiDA...
aiidaquantumespressotest 4.0.0a1 aiida-quantumespresso This is the official AiiDA...
aiidashell 0.8.0 AiiDA plugin that makes running shell commands easy. Run any shell executable without writing...
aiidasssp 0.1.2 aiida-sssp This project is archived and has been fully superseded by aiida-pseudo which you...
aiidassspworkflow 4.2.3 SSSP workflow For maintainers To create a new release, clone the...
aiidasubmissioncontroller 0.1.2 AiiDA submission controller Some classes to help managing large number of submissions, while controlling...
aiidavibroscopy 1.1.1 aiida-vibroscopy AiiDA plugin that uses finite displacements and fields to compute phonon properties,...
aiidawannier90 2.2.0 aiida-wannier90 AiiDA plugin for the Wannier90 code. This plugin allows to run Wannier90...
aiidawannier90workflows 2.2.0 aiida-wannier90-workflows
aiidayambowannier90 0.1.0b0 aiida-yambo-wannier90 Plugin to combine Wannier90 interpolations...
aiidazeopp 2.0.0 Plugin AiiDA Python 2.0.0
ai image generator flutter_ai_generator # INIT # void main() async { AiImageGenerator.init( key:...
aiinpy 0.0.18 aiinpy aiinpy is an open source artificial intelligence package for the python programming language....
A simple hello world gem
A simple hello aiit gem
AIJIdevtools 1.4.4 Some useful helper-funcs for devpers. Sub-package is the extension of corresponding package with the...
AIJobsBatch 1.0.0a1 :poop: AIJobs collector :poop: Batch app This repo contains batch codes to collect...
Yii2 CKEditor
aika 0.1.0 Aika About Aika provides date- and time-range parsing utilities for multiple languages....
aikadatagraph 1.0.0 Introduction The aika project is a collection of libraries for working with time series...
aikaml 1.0.0 Introduction This project mostly expands the idea of a skikit-learn pipeline to accept bivariate...
aikaputki 1.0.0 Introduction aika-putki is a task framework designed to make it easy to build...
aikatime 1.0.0 Introduction aika time is part of the aika project for working with time series...