This bundle is used by our team to build a CMS tool on top of Sonata
Composer package by Alex
Helper method and template to allow previous and next sibling integration easily
SilverStripe module to add a contact page with optional map to your site
A simple and flexible routing library for PHP
Twitch.Tv API Wrapper in php
Wrapper for the Neo4j graph database REST interface. Works with PHP 7
Paysera driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
Email Verification
Using Controllers with Aura.Router
The AlpixelMediaBundle is a bundle managing media of all kinds for our projects.
The core of Fiesta.
Simplified WordPress nonce usage
Simple Cronjob management for Symfony applications
Image Cropper Widget
A basket type product having collection of products
Flash messenger that will keep messages until they are "flushed" - current or persistant states.
Aliyun object storage service (SLS) SDK in Laravel5 package.
Cyan CMS Framework
Geo-related tools PHP 5.3 library
Cyan Framework
Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers.
OO library for generating Google sitemap XML files
Integration of Angular HTTP with Symfony
MyToys Group adaption of the core functionality for Pattern Lab.
Seo router extension for Nette framework
E-commerce toolbox for Laravel.
Multi platform mail wrapper
Misc tools
Uses Symfony var dumper and use die to dump and stop code execution
Asset helper for CodeIgniter 2 and 3
Provides a generic set of views plugins a mechanism for modules to automatically generate aliases for the content they manage.
Provides a testing Layout file with the contents you define for every test you create with mallow:test command.
Takes care of push notifications in your Symfony2 & Symfony3 projects.
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template with API and authorization
A library for complex data type checking and validating
cors for Lumen
Zend Framework 2 Email Module Service. This Email module enhances ZF2 email functionality for a convenient usage. It supports file...
Symfony GeshiBundle
Allows to designate a page anywhere in the tree as the homepage for a specific domain, overruling the usual homepage...
Dumper for PHP
DiamanteDesk Magento Extension
A Behat Extension for HTML
An annotation based Hydrator system
Service provider for finite
generate short URL
A basic cache implementation with adapter support through PSR-6 pools
SilverStripe integration with Crazy Egg
Savvy is a powerful but lightweight object-oriented template system for PHP.
Professional web framework
PW framework
Helper code for Google BigQuery
Paasmaker PHP interface
PHP library for sending logs to logstats
wellid is a set of PHP validators and a few loosely coupled components for validation.
Runs dev tasks from a queue utilising cron
Quiz Bundle forked from Egulias/QuizBundle
A GraphQL endpoint for WordPress
RoomsXML API integration
A user pack for Silex
Kolimpri Auth provides a starter scaffolding for Laravel SaaS applications.
Render PHPTAL view templates into a PSR-7 Response object.
Ready to use, easy configuration Minion project
Simple and fast implementation of enumerations with native PHP 5.4 and upper
Helper Module for Pocketwatch Theme
Flash notifications
Emoji Parser For Gitamin
Yii2 wrapper for jquery-backstretch, a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any...
Wechat Notice Service Php Demo
An implementation of the Thread Pool pattern, for running a suite of console commands continuously
PHPCI plugin for handling processes that should run throughout testing