CS50 library for PHP
A StarCraft II replay parser in PHP
WordPress plumbing for Stripe
Powerful wrapper extending Silex, merging simplicity of Silex and usability of Symfony 2
Define arbitrary endpoints in WordPress
Authorize users in your application with multiple OAuth 2.0 providers.
Laravel Eloquent models for the GnuCash MySQL backend.
sebwite/phing is a laravel package
Bootstrap HTML, Form Builders and Shortcuts for the Laravel Framework
This library contains the CDE packages of libreOffice and Imagick. This is used to convert doc, docx, png and jpeg...
The Scarf Framework.
express about shunfeng and ucs
This SDK is for accessing the Sizzle API
PHP classes and tools implementing Gdbots schemas.
A deck of standard cards to build any card game
Alipay gateway for Omnipay payment processing library
SEO component for ZF2
A simple Laravel 4 service provider for generating blade templates.
Blog package for laravel 5.2+
MaxMind's PHP GeoIP API as a Composer package
Separate posts from one discussion into its own, splits discussions.
Stand-alone Fenom's tokenizer
Easemob API for Yii 2.0
Helps with transferring files between lingohub and laravel.
Laravel UpTimeRobot is an UptimeRobot API client for Laravel 5.*
mkLiveStatus Client
Interpret data generated by Delphi resources.
A RESTful API starter pack for Laravel 5 with OAuth2.
Flexible user registration and authentication module for Leaps
Tracy integration to Laminas
This package is a bunch of things to remove a lot of boilerplate when working with XenForo.
I18n commands for the CLI of a Ride application
Build and consume SOAP Client based web services
API para acesso aos Web Service dos Correios
Deliver SMS messages only at appropiate times
Render images added to TinyMCE in a responsive manner
This is a tool that allows maanejar classes eZ Publish from the console
Useful assets for Laravel
Simple SilverStripe module to trigger a dev/build via ajax
A realistic password strength estimator for Yii2
Profiler for Zend Optimizer+ from pecl and ext/opcache from PHP 5.5
Library for interfacing with the Cxense Insight API
A simple to use API library for Eve-Central (updated).
Pagination Helper for Children Pages in SilverStripe
Ueditor for Yii2
This is a simple package for test task of Hexa company.
Spira app core
Eloquent model search trait.
Lit et enregistre la trame de téléinformation des compteurs électronique EDF
WYF Half Baked App
Handle HTTP request that calls a specified static class function given serialzed objects as parameters in the request
Zelpex Layouts module is a simple ZF2 module that simply allows you to specify alternative layouts to use for each...
Simple module to store and render members of staff for an organisation
RedNose HTMLDiff fork
Elasticsearch enabled Eloquent models
Debugging app for PHP sendmail
Generate a new Laravel database seed file based on data from the existing database table.
A simple trait to add to your PHPUnit test allowing you to track and test PHP errors, warnings and notices
Different additions/modifications to the pages plugin.
A simple package used for routing and dispatching intents to controllers, by using different protocols/serializations.
A PHP class that uses Google Spreadsheets as CMS.
Focal point resizing for Imagine
Symfony2 single-config bundle
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. Includes CodeIgniter coding...
Render a variety of forms template based on the FE such as contact form, registration form, etc... effortless!
Simple L2P API Client
iban generator
Assetic filters for the Imagine image manipulation library
Database abstraction layer and object relationship mapper for php
Saving web passage: small util for Nette Framework
A database class for MySQL with PDO
Collection of useful utilities.
Provide a menu builder