ahvl 1.2.1 ahvl Base libraries for the Ansible HashiCorp Vault Lookup (AHVL) Plugin by Netson...
A simple hello world test gem...Version 0.1.3: Changed require statement to locate translate file
ah widgets ah_widgets # Kumpulan widgets buat kamu Cara menggunakan # Install package #
PivotalAI is a artificial intelligence and natural language processing platform optimized for user happines and productivity.
ai 1.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
AI tools for Internationalization (I18n).
Ruby client for AI21 Studio API.
Extention library for Nette presenters.
ai2thor 5.0.0 A Near Photo-Realistic Interactable Framework for Embodied AI Agents
Ruby algorithm implementations covering several Artificial intelligence fields, including Genetic algorithms, Neural Networks, machine learning, and clustering.
Ruby implementations of algorithms covering several Artificial intelligence fields, including Genetic algorithms, Neural Networks, machine learning, and clustering.
A command-line AI Assistante (aia) that provides pre-compositional template prompt management to various backend gen-AI processes such as llm, mods...
aia 0.2.0 AIA Chasing in Python This library was built as a workaround to the CPython
aiachaser 1.1.0 AIA Chaser ...
AiAgent provides a common way to interact with the APIs provided by OpenAI, Anthropic, and other AI assistants.
A throttler for ActiveResource requests.
A wrapper for the Harvest Api. See http://getharvest.com/api for details.
Aiakos is a server-side library that will help you build an efficient and sure OAuth2.0 server-side protocol implementation.
ai amap ai_amap # English Document
ai amap platform interface ai_amap_platform_interface # A new Flutter package about ai_amap platform interface. Getting...
ai amap web ai_amap_web # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
aiapy 0.9.1 aiapy is a Python package for analyzing data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument...
ai awesome message ai_awesome_message | AiAwesomeMessage # A new Awesome message widget that is sames to...
ai barcode ai_barcode # English Document
ai barcode platform interface ai_barcode_platform_interface # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started #...
ai barcode scanner ai_barcode_scanner # Screenshots # ...
ai barcode web ai_barcode_web # support "ai_barcode" plugin web platform, see more ai_barcode
this is a rsa-crypto
this is thinkphp rsa
ai blue tooth print interface ai_blue_tooth_print_interface # ai_blue_tooth_print interface package. Getting Started # This...
ai blue tooth print web ai_blue_tooth_print_web # bluetooth,bluetooth print,printer,bluetooth print library package on web platform of...
aiboot 1.0.7 CubeAI模型服务化引擎 —— AI-Boot 将AI模型推理程序封装成为Web互联网服务。 目前提供RESTful API、WebSocket和可视化Web GUI等多种形式的互联网API接口服务,支持二进制数据传输和文件上传。 依赖包地址 https://pypi.org/project/aiboot
aic 0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aicaliber 0.0.8.post2 Use OneSpace instead.
ai.cdas 1.2.3 AI.CDAS: python interface to CDAS data This library provides access to CDAS database from...
All-in-one AI-Powered CLI Chat & Copilot
aichat 0.0.5 .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/aira/aichat.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/aira/aichat======aichat======A chatbot framework for configuring and testing chatbot dialog specifications. Description===========`aichat`...
AI Chatbot in Python An interactive chatbot developed using Python. Features include natural language processing to understand and respond...
AIChess 2.0.8 AI-Chess Basic chess features that includes an AI for decision making in Python...
Provides WCAG information about CSS colors.
PeerIndex API client in PHP
aiclib 0.88 A declarative system to consume the NVP api. Current Build Status...
ai clock Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
aicloud 0.0.2 aicloud
aiclouddeploy 0.0.1 Toolkit AI Cloud для написания скриптов деплоя в Inference
aiCode aiCode: AI-Assisted/Automated Coding
aicodebot 0.26.3 AI Code Bot 🤖 Your AI-powered coding sidekick AICodeBot is a terminal-based coding...
aicodesummary 0.1.0 AI Code Summary This project automates the process of aggregating code files from a...
aicoedonkeycar 4.3.0.post1 donkeycar: a python self driving library ...
ai color Name # AIColor # Description # This is a package that will...
AI-powered commit message generator
ai commit ai_commit # ...
Writes your git commit messages for you with AI
aicommits 1.0.1 An AI-powered git commit message generator written in python. Inspired by @Nutlope ...
aicompleter 0.0.1rc5 AI-Completer A totally automatic AI to interact with environments. Now it only supports...
a icons test aguila_icons # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
aicoresdk 2.4.5 SAP AI Core SDK The SAP AI Core SDK is a Python-based SDK that...
aicsimageprocessing 0.8.3 aicsimageprocessing A generalized scientific image processing module from...
aicsshparam 0.1.10 AICS Spherical Harmonics Parametrization Spherical harmonics parametrization for 3D starlike...
aicstfregistration 0.1.1 aics_tf_registration Rigid registration algorithm for generating training/testing data...
A library to make repo scripts easy and discoverable.
aidanccalculatorrbasic 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Generate comedy gold
Aidantic 1.0.1 Aidantic Aidantic is a tiny library inspired by Pydantic, made to be more...
ActiveRecord model behavior that allows to work with tree data.
aidbox 1.1.0 This package was renamed to aidboxpy See https://pypi.org/project/aidboxpy pip install aidboxpy
aidboxpythonsdk 0.1.10 aidbox-python-sdk Create a python 3.9+ environment pyenv Set env variables and...
A.ID Shared Functionality Gem
Ruby Client for the AidData REST API
Allows a user to mash up keys without multiple calls to Consul
aideelivingdocs 1.0.4 Aidee Living Documentation Helpers ...
aidevlog 0.0.1 templete templete of AIDevLog 需要修改 .travis.yml gem sources --add https://gems.ruby-china.com/ --remove...
aidir - Am I Doing It Right: track and improve your Flog score before merging code to master by getting...
aidjangocore 7.0.2 Disclaimer: Package was superseded by ambient-toolbox! This package was renamed, moved and deprecated under...
aidkitmlevaluate 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description