Rake tasks to build debian packages
User Side Menu plugin for OctoberCMS
Symfony SonataUserBundle
albero 0.2.0 Albero v0.2.0 A tool that makes it much easier to use Tree Sitter for...
PHP-CS-Fixer sweetened with ease
Useful classes for Laravel Framework
A simple event scheduler application for PHP projects
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
Sentora Cron Module
PHP client library for interacting with the Zoom API
Simple calculator
doo OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
managing all laravel translateions
Was it a car or a cat I saw? — A palindrome detector.
AlbertUnruhUtils 2022.1.29.2 Note: Please head over to AlbertUnruhUtils.py. This project is discontinued here! But...
AlbertUnruhUtils.py 2.3.0 AlbertUnruhUtils.py A collection of utils written in Python Installation Python 3.9 or...
High-performance local cache which synchronizes automatically on distributed systems
Race condition workarounds for concurrent *OrCreate method calls.
Translator for Al Bhed language in FINAL FANTASY X
Ruby wrapper for pygmentize.
The Termux Webzone CLI App.
This is a gem that wraps the Albion Online API.
albiruni A wrapper to easily access IIUM's Course Schedule website data. Thank you @PlashSpeed-Aiman for the...
Raven Client for TYPO3 Flow Packages
A simple gem implementing different kind of tree structures
Utility script for processing ALB access logs over a given time range
Will sort a directory of media files into albums, based on exif and date.
A wrapper to google translate that generate a audio from a text.
Send notifications for device mobiles
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
albucore 0.0.16 Albucore Albucore is a high-performance image processing library designed to optimize operations on images...
album2video 0.0.1 receives tracks and img and outputs albumvideo with tracknames subtitle & timestamps.txt ...
albumcolours 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Searches databases for a given artist + album combination and returns recording engineering information.
albumentations 1.4.15 Albumentations Docs...
The logic for this gem is based on the rules from: http://www.noiseaddicts.com/2009/03/random-band-name-cover-album/
album saver Album saver plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for...
Outputs a list of shuffled music directories. Assumes your music is already organized in a directory-per-album structure.
Theme for Albums' Covers Archive
Use SPACE ALC (http://eow.alc.co.jp/) from command line.
Bootstrap UI for Laravel Overseer
Advanced validation package
Compras module for IRMServices intranet.
A PHP client library for accessing Ghost's APIs
Date/time-related classes
Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. This package gives...
A simple PHP Web Scraper
i am waiting to upload this
A client library for the Alcatraz PCI-compliant data store.
Command-line tool to translate English to Japanese
Econt courier API integration in composer package
Number converter
Command line XML/HTML DOM Parser
Prism Syntax Highlighter for Yii2
alcedo 0.1.7 Alcedo
A simple way to determine alch prices on Oldschool Runescape
Plugin framework for building AltCSS in Ruby
alchemist 🧙🏼 Alchemist Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄 and...
See http://github.com/flipstone/alchemist-server
alchemist lib 1.0 Alchemist_lib Description Alchemist_lib is an automatic trading library for cryptocurrencies...
Server process for the Alchemist game
Bundle Symfony2 para el uso del servicio TextMagic que sirve para enviar SMS a través de sus diferentes implementaciones, en...
alchemist test reporter Alchemist Test Reporter # Special Golden Test Runner to report golden test results
alchemiteapiclient 0.81.0 alchemite-apiclient This is a client for interacting with Alchemite Analytics, an applied machine learning...
alchemy 20.5 Experiments logging & visualization ...
Provides access to the Alchemy text mining API - http://www.alchemyapi.com/
A gem distribution for AlchemyAPI for ruby, see https://github.com/AlchemyAPI/alchemyapi_ruby
Adds a Bugsnag error notifier to AlchemyCMS.
alchemycatalyst 20.3 Experiments logging & visualization ...