Render AlchemyCMS images directly from cloudinary.
Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails CMS.
Lossless optimization of the uploaded images using image_optim (make sure to install all binary dependecies of image_optim)
Extracts concepts for a given URI from the Alchemy API (
A fully featured CRM / Newsletter and Mailings Module for Alchemy CMS. Building and sending Newsletters has never been easier!
With this gem you can crop and resize images directly in Alchemy Library and create a new verison of image
A gem for semplify model implementation with Alchemy CMS
A collection of elements and page layouts that form the Alchemy CMS demo website from
Devise based user authentication for AlchemyCMS.
This gem adds domains and associats them with languages. Your website can provide certain languages depending on the requested domain.
AlchemyCMS Integration for the Dragonfly S3 datastore.
Ruby implementation of the Alchemy micro-service framework
Description of Alchemy::GraphQL
Translation files for AlchemyCMS
Plugin to integrate mailup into Alchemy
AlchemyLanguage is a collection of APIs that offer text analysis through natural language processing.
Alchemy News API SDK to access the API
PostgreSQL search for Alchemy CMS
alchemyprovider 0.0.10 Dynamic query build based on SQLAlchemy Core and ORM
EssenceAudio and EssenceVideo for AlchemyCMS 4.0
Read and write Alchemy files in Ruby.
This gem adds a user manual module to your alchemy cms driven application.
alchemy web3 Alchemy An Alchemy Platform client for Flutter & Dart ...
Play the famous Alchemy game from your terminal.
A generic or agnostic Laravel's Resource and their CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations.
alcli 1.0.65 Installing the Alert Logic CLI The pip package manager for Python is used to...
This bundle include service for translate with Google Translate and command which translate messages in your Bundles
Laravel Package to create a dynamic image handler
Coming soon
Display a menu from ./commands.yml with commands executable
Painless code coverage reporting for Xcode projects written in Objective-C.
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
Symfony2 services debugger and graph
Get structured information out of online services.
php selenium framework
A gem containing helpers for the ALD API, the ALD package format and ALD package definitions.
Music programming language for musicians
Create a geocaching roadbook from external data
Make zero downtime deployments easier allowing developers to promote environment variables
Eloquent cross database compatibility in subqueries
aldapython 0.1.0 alda-python Python client for Alda (
A Ruby library for live-coding music with Alda.
Micro Framework: Security component
Aldebaran is Web-development DSL micro-framework written with Mathematical Constructions
aldemsubs 0.1.3 Aldemsubs Aldemsubs is a command line application to subscribe to Youtube channels and...
A library for transforming hashes
A library for working and parsing URLs. This library is part of the SoloProyectos PHP API.
Rails brave new world
al downloader al_downloader # A URL-based flutter downloader that supports to download any type...
Laravel 5.2 ACL
Laravel Uploader
A project that is an attempt to rehabilitate and generalize a data ingestion/importation service originally built for a retail, e-commerce...
PHP Public Lib
Prefix global PHP functions under a namespace
aldrynaddons 2.1.0 Aldryn Addons are re-usable django apps that follow certain conventions to abstract out complicated...
aldrynapphooksconfig 0.7.0 aldryn-apphooks-config Namespaces based configuration for Apphooks Basic concepts The concept...
aldryncategories 1.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aldryncommon 1.0.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aldryndjango An opinionated Django setup bundled as a Divio Cloud addon. This package will auto...
aldrynfaq 2.1.2 Aldryn FAQ is an Aldryn-compatible simple Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) application for django CMS.
aldrynforms 6.2.1 Aldryn Forms allows you to build flexible HTML forms for your Aldryn and django CMS...
aldrynjobs 3.0.0 Aldryn Jobs is an Aldryn-compatible django CMS application for publishing job openings and receiving...
aldrynnewsblog 2.2.1 Aldryn News & Blog is an Aldryn-compatible news and weblog application for django CMS.
aldrynpeople 2.2.0 Aldryn People allows you to: add people and groups of people to...
aldrynreversion 1.1.0 Description A collection of shared helpers and mixins to provide support for django-reversion...
aldrynsearch 1.1.0 This package provides a search indexes for easy Haystack 2 integration with django CMS....
aldrynsnake 2.0.0 Aldryn Snake adds tail and head context processors for addons similar to django-sekizai....
aldrynsso 2.1.0 Aldryn SSO adds single-sign-on to Divio Cloud. This addon still uses the legacy “Aldryn”...
This gem get all table infomations using activerecord.
Takes a static site and uploads it to Amazon's S3.
alea is a tiny gem that aim to bring some aleatory behavior to ruby Kernel.
aleainference 0.2.8 alea
Easy to use air quality of major cities. Everything has been parsed for you and ready to use.