In this algorith, it can be adjusted to any number of training examples automatically. It does a brute force search...
aleat3 0.2.9 Aleatoryous 3 This is the 3rth Generation of aleatory objects, built by Diego...
A simplistic OO wrapper around PHP's built in CSV handling that lets you reference columns by header name
A gem that provides a client interface for the alec error logger
Boostrap for coding katas witn PHP
Flow Framework performance monitoring helper
Yii2 module providing several seo-optimised database driven page abstraction
Pug view files renderer for Slim 4 framework
Percobaan bikin kalkulator
A driver-based laravel package for online payments via multiple gateways
A customized fork of Slim PHP Framework
the Alef font bundled as an asset for the rails asset pipeline (
Alego SGU Auth...
Tem a funcionalidade de prover métodos prontos de manipulação de data, moeda e outros
Gem responsible for joining 1 or more PDF in the same file.
alegria 0.1.0 Alegria Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you...
Database parser to generate PHP Classes
lumen run in swoole_http_server
Write a longer description. Optional.
Upload a video to YouTube with Laravel 5.
Bitbucket API client for getting requests with conflicts
PHP class that logs information to ChromePHP extension for Chrome browser
phpAudit is a simple shell script that scans PHP files for possible security risks.
Library to connect to PostNL's SOAP service called CIF
PSR7 Aura\Auth Authentication Handler
Matomo Tag manager plugin for October CMS.
for example
Robotusers CakePHP Excel plugin
A Ruby on Rails plugin to add an after_commit callback. This can be used to trigger methods only after the...
Makes SASS less of a hassle on read-only filesystems by compiling and serving it up for you.
Middleware for profiling Rack-compatible apps using perftools.rb
A Ruby replacement for bash+ssh, providing both an interactive shell and a library. Manage both local and remote unix systems...
AlekSISAppAlsijil 3.0.1 AlekSIS This is an application for use with the AlekSIS® platform. ...
AlekSISAppChronos 3.0.2 AlekSIS This is an application for use with the AlekSIS® platform. ...
AlekSISAppDashboardFeeds 3.0 AlekSIS This is an application for use with the AlekSIS® platform. ...
AlekSISAppHjelp 3.0 AlekSIS This is an application for use with the AlekSIS® platform. ...
AlekSISAppLDAP 3.0 AlekSIS This is an application for use with the AlekSIS® platform. ...
AlekSISAppMatrix 2.0 AlekSIS This is an application for use with the AlekSIS® platform. ...
aleksisappuntis 3.0 AlekSIS This is an application for use with the AlekSIS® platform. ...
AlekSISCore 3.2.1 This is the core of the AlekSIS framework and the official distribution (see below)....
Open computer graphics interchange framework
A Jekyll boilerplate theme designed to be a starting point for any Jekyll website. Rather than starting from scratch, this...
alembicoffline 2.0.0 alembic-offline is an extension for Alembic to enrich offline functionality of migrations using SQLAlchemy...
alembicviz 0.1.0 ####Installation`pip install alembic-viz --user`####Usage```bashUsage: alembic-viz [OPTIONS]Options: --config TEXT path to alembic config file --name TEXT...
The client to interact with microservice
aleparser 0.1.1 UNKNOWN
Literate-programming HTML
Aleph Alpha Ruby Client
The best way to develop and share queries/investigations/results within an analytics team
Alephant framework
Brokers requests for alephant components
Simple abstraction layer over S3 for get/put.
More Stuff
Logger functionality for Alephant
Cloudwatch driver for Alephant::Logger
alephant-logger driver enabling structured logging in JSON
StatsD driver for Alephant Logger gem.
Lookup a location in S3 using DynamoDB.
Preview component templates
Static publishing to S3 based on SQS messages
Render HTML snippets
"Scout URLs to see if they are valid"
Adds sequencing functionality to Alephant.
alephsdkpython 1.0.1 aleph-sdk-python Python SDK for the network, next generation network of decentralized big data...
Light weight, straight forward DI container that simply works, and works well.