flutter insta crop flutter_insta_crop # Easy to use image cropper. Getting Started # Comming...
state container state_container # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
graphql hooks flutter flutter_graphql_hooks # An alpha implementation of an Apollo like GraphQL Hooks interface powered...
fade content Flutter Fade Package # Flutter package that i created to help freelancers to guarantee...
contributors Contributors # Features 🎮 #
pigeonholelive sdk Pigeonhole Dark SDK # ...
num to fraction num_to_fraction # Convert Number to Fraction for flutter Usage # A...
flutter star micronics Star Micronics Printer for Flutter # WIP #
flutter long list flutter_long_list # A Flutter LongList with Provider which supports ListView, GridView and Slivers
flutter google i18n flutter-google-i18n # A small library for internationalizing a Flutter app using Google spreadsheet.
qplayer flutter QPlayer # QPlayer 是一个适用于 Android 和 iOS 平台的音视频播放器 SDK,可高度定制化和二次开发,为 Flutter 开发者提供了简单、快捷的接口,帮助开发者在 Android 和 iOS...
local pubsub local_pubsub # A simple local pubsub library for Dart. What you can do...
extension helpers flutter_extensions # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
realtime pagination Realtime Pagination # A Flutter plugin to help use realtime pagination with Firebase Firestore.
hkp client hkp_client # Dart/Flutter HKP Keyserver client. Implements the HKP basics for flutter to...
thumbnail extractor thumbnail_extractor # Thumbnail Extractor Package from Videos. Getting Started # This project...
imageus imageus # A new Flutter package project for imageus Getting Started # For...
datatoggle datatoggle # TODO
joymo app upgrade 添加依赖 # 1、在pubspec.yaml中加入: dependencies: joymo_app_upgrade: ^1.0.7 copied to clipboard...
android manifest analyzer A toolkit help you analyze AndroidManifest.xml Usage # import 'package:android_manifest_analyzer/android_manifest_analyzer.dart'; copied...
flutter plugin ycad flutter_plugin_ycad # 易车广告SDK插件
ray ray # Dart implementation of ray client for debugging dart apps faster on the fly.
generic textfield generic_textfield # A new generic textfield for both android and iOS which helps develeopers...
lexpro lexpro 2 # 中文版 Here is new features in 2.1.1
ocg database ocg_database # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...