customalert customalert # Custom alert package Getting Started # This project is a starting...
beauty loading beauty_loading # A beautiful Flutter loading package. Installing # Add this to...
livechat inc LiveChat plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that integrates LiveChat to Flutter...
cronet flutter cronet_flutter # A cross-platform (Android/iOS/Windows/macOS) cronet plugin for Flutter via dart:ffi ...
yaml config reader yaml_config_reader # A new Flutter package project for yaml config reader. Getting...
dio request dio_request # A new Flutter package for http request width dio. Getting Started...
mvvm initial mvvm_initial # A new Flutter package for mvvm. Getting Started # 基于provider实现的mvvm架构,此插件只进行了简单的封装,使用方式和provider形式一致.
ui widget ui_widget # A new Flutter package for ui widget. Getting Started #...
flutter css style flutter css style # 用于Flutter主题的css样式库
horizontal ratio bar horizontal_ratio_bar # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
pci id The PCI ID Repository for Dart #
kimia kimia # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
physia physia # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
date time picker tr date_time_picker_tr # A new Flutter package project. Screenshots #
etcd A client library for connecting to and interacting with ETCD, a distributed, reliable key-value store for...
o widgets o_widgets # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
appstitch auth Appstitch Auth # The most straight forward way to integrate user authentication into your...
appstitch core Core # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
geocomb flutter geocomb_flutter # geocomb lets you convert locations into uniquiely identifiable hexagons for given resolutions...
appstitch twilio Appstitch Twilio # Serverless Twilio Integrations for Appstitch Platforms # ...
nikutils NikUtils # Plugin desenvolvido pela NFSADevelop, provê diversos itens de utilidade, como, NkButton, NkTextField etc.
custom route transitions is Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transicion de rutas....
dartweather A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/, and example...
country state city pickers country_state_city_pickers # A new Flutter plugin to select country with state and...
enumerated class Enum Class # A simple enum class with generic value...