multiprocessingdag 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
multiprocessframe 0.0.1 A multiprocess frame to deal with a series tasks easily
MultiProcessDivision 1.0 #MultiProcessDivision() This package is an optimized approach to split large pd.DataFrame() or pd.Series() objects...
multiplevideofilesduration 0.0.5 Multiple-Video-Duration Finds total play time of all videos present in directories and its sub...
cursesinquirer 0.1.1 A library to create curses based CLIs
curseappapi 1.0.1 Project description might be outdated on PyPI, latest version available on Github. Curseforge App...
CurrencyExchange 1.0.3 CurrencyExchange Currency Exchange is a Python package that allows your to verify whether a...
curlypotato 0.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
CurlMultistro 0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
curlclinet 1.0 curlclinet A library Can Make Http Requests ms4 to install pip3...
curb 0.0.4 Curb A lightweight and simple hardware virtualisation CLI for resource consumption management. Use...
cuquantumpythoncu12 24.8.0 cuQuantum Python Documentation Please visit the NVIDIA cuQuantum Python documentation. For instructions...
cupyknn 0.2.5 Cupy-KNN This package provides a fast nearest neighbor index for 3-D points using...
cuplcodec 2.1.0 cuplcodec cuplcodec encodes environmental sensor data into a URL. Each sample includes two 12-bit...
cunebchenn 0.0.4 Example Pytorch-CUDA-CMake Library Pip-Package An example pip-package for a CUDA/C++ Pytorch/Torchlib extension....
cumason123cloudevents 1.1.8 Python SDK for CloudEvents Status This SDK is still considered a...
cufinufft 2.3.0 FINUFFT GPU library Python wrappers This is a Python interface to the efficient GPU...
cuelib 0.3.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
mrsmapreduce 0.9 UNKNOWN
mrsensemakr 0.0.2 mrsensemakr Instructions: run "./" then see example.ipynb for an example.
mrsegmentator 1.2.0 MRSegmentator: Robust Multi-Modality Segmentation of 40 Classes in MRI and CT Sequences ...
mrrobot 1.0.3 MrRobot
mqt.qao 0.1.0 MQT Quantum Auto Optimizer: Automatic Framework for Solving Optimization Problems with Quantum Computers MQT...
mqt.problemsolver 0.4 MQT ProblemSolver This repository covers the implementations of multiple research papers in the domain...
mqt.ddsim 1.23.0 MQT DDSIM - A quantum circuit simulator based on decision diagrams written in C++...