Automatic database view creation for ActiveRecord
UUID extension for ActiveRecord
Allows database connections to be defined as URLS, then converted to hash for use in ActiveRecord
Support MySQL's INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in ActiveRecord
A method that allows you to run code without callbacks for a specific active-record model.
Register PostgreSQL 'VERSION' column type in rails
Simple DSL to control callback attribute changed in ActiveRecord model
active_record_voyeur was developed by: markbates
active_record_uuid is a nice gem that add uuid supports to your activerecord models (MySQL). It allows you to store uuid...
Add ULID support to ActiveRecord
ActiveRecord::Store but with type definition
Adds a symbol attribute type to activerecord
ActiveRecord sharding extension
ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL. It is based on the stock MySQL adapter, and adds built-in support for the spatial...
Getting transactions right is hard, and this gem makes it easier.
Type information of activerecord models, attributes and associations in good and clear manner
This gem enables tracking of dirty associations on ActiveRecord objects
translatable activerecord attributes
Extend AR to use touch for has_many and has_one relations
Convert ActiveRecord objects to plain old ruby objects and vice versa
Queue up calls to specific models and execute them in transactions, after a certain number of models have been added.
Provides encrypted string attributes to Active Record models