ActiveStorage adapter for WebDAV.
Wraps the Qiniu Storage Service as an Active Storage service, support muti-tenant settings.
A supplementary library of activesupport to provide alias_class_method and alias_class_method_chain
Provides subset validation for serialized arrays or sets in Active Record
Strip / preprocess selected Active Record / Object attributes by creating custom setter through module prepending.
Work with...
Get more from ActiveRecord::Store
A active record-like wrapper for memcached protocol
Add a `send_zip` method in your Rails controller to send a `.zip` file containing one (or many) ActiveStorage object(s)
The pre-defined variants feature is introduced in Rails 7. Using this gem, take the feature in advance for projects using...
Validations for Active Storage (presence)
Sanitize SVG images after ActiveStorage upload
Silent your Active Storage logs to avoid "noise" in logs.
ActiveStorageBunny is a gem that integrates BunnyCDN storage services with Active Storage.
Audio analyzer for uploaded files using ffprobe
Wraps the Aliyun OSS as an Active Storage service.
Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications.
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Ruby Specification Library
An object-oriented interface to SharePoint that uses the web services provided by SharePoint to connect to it. Supports SharePoint 2007...
Adds ability to sort models using a custom field
ActiveStomp allows to abstract the Stomp protocol