Define user capabilities in your app
Simple solution to improve existing acts_as_audited functionality.
ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table additionally allowing you to specify which human...
simple progress indicator for game arters
Don't delete your records, move them to a different table. Like acts_as_paranoid, but doesn't mess with your SQL queries.
*Atomic archiving/unarchiving for ActiveRecord-based apps*
We had the problem that acts_as_paranoid and similar plugins/gems always work on
a record...
Generic approval queues for record creation, updates and deletion
A package for simplifying use of the Amazon/ECS API
Allows a Rails model to behave like an ally, maybe.
Provides aliases and lookup methods for ActiveRecord models.
Tiny plugin to mark any rails model instance as an abuse or site's community guideline violation.
ActsAsAble Just Save Time For You.
This gem is rails3.2 compatible version of Dmitriy Timokhin's plugin acts_as_20ggable: https://github.com/pager/acts_as_20ggable
ActiveRecord extension for easy STI Delegation
|Provides Future and Actors. Actors are sharing Thread pool so
|as many actors as you need can be spawned.
Simplified access to the Bay Area's ACTransit API - details at http://api.actransit.org/transit/
Automatically synchronise actor information to your third party systems e.g. Mixpanel, Sendgrid, etc.
A simple implementation of the actor pattern