A pure-Ruby ActiveSupport JSON encoder
ActiveSupport-JCache is a jRuby on Rails extension that enables JCache backend store for Rails.cache
Only the Inflector part of ActiveRecord.
Adds fiscal date support to Date objects
A test helper that removes `ActiveSupport::Deprecation` noise from being interlaced in your test output. Instead this gem collects any and...
Useful when extending functionality with Rails engines.
ActiveRecord DB Store engine for ActiveSupport::Cache
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Provides some additional test methods to ActiveSupport::TestCase.
ActiveSupport::Notifications backported for Rails 2.3
With minimal set up ActiveSync presents limited rails model interfaces within the JS font end. Records accessed are kept updated...
Check that your scheduled tasks are still alive.
DSL to extend ActiveModel with swagger stuff
Add timestamps, parent PID's and request UUID's to each logger line.
ActiveSupport::Concern that provides an enum-like functionality that for when multiple values are allowed in a method named `has_binary_property`
Use your DB as a cache store
My incoming Karafka related project
Providing Storj S3 gateway support for activestorage-storj gem
Providing Storj Cloud Storage support for ActiveStorage in Rails
Rails ActiveStorage adapter for Scaleway Object Storage