SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Adapter For ActiveRecord. Forked in order to disable unicode.
Database mirroring support for Rails activerecord-sqlserver-adapter
Fork of SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Adapter For ActiveRecord. Adds support for SQL Server 2000.
ActiveRecord SQL Server Adapter. SQL Server 2012 and upward.
ActiveRecord driver for SQL Anywhere customized for in4systems
ActiveRecord driver for SQL Anywhere
This gem changes ActiveRecord's query logs to be compatible with the sqlcommenter format.
This is an ActiveRecord connection adapter for the SpatiaLite extension to the Sqlite3 database. It is based on the stock...
A safe way to accept user parameters and order against your ActiveRecord Models
A rails engine that uses ActiveRecord SQL Server to read from CRM SQL Server, and OData to write to CRM.
It adds possibility for sorting relation
manage snapshot materialized views for ActiveRecord. multiple
ActiveRecord query logger and analyzer
ActiveRecord instrumentation for Rails, Resque and Sidekiq
Union for ActiveRecord::Relation and SQL string queries. Fam.
Quickly export an active record object to raw sql, useful for restoring partial data from a backup
The ActiveRecod SinglestoreAdapter is an ActiveRecord connection adapter based on the Mysql2 adapter.
Gnome Terminal support for Consular without emulation keyboard events
ActiveRecord SimpleSlave gem description
ActiveRecord for Shipworks.
Sharding library for ActiveRecord(MySQL)
Database sharding library for ActiveRecord