This gem adds support for the postgres hstore type. It is the _just right_ alternative for storing hashes instead of...
This gem enables your model to query the database using the earthdistance ...
Define which PostgreSQL schemas to dump in your Rails db/structure.sql file
Integrate PostgreSQL's enum data type into ActiveRecord's schema and migrations.
This gem provides a patch that once included will retry the PostgreSQL operation in case the server has gone away
PostgreSQL allows to create a procedure which returns a result set. The gem modifies ActiveRecord so that it's possible to...
Adds missing native PostgreSQL array types to ActiveRecord
ActiveRecord connection adapter for PostGIS. It is based on the stock PostgreSQL adapter, and adds built-in support for the spatial...
ActiveRecord positionable extension
This gem provides an extension to ActiveRecord, enabling efficient Multi-Table, Multiple-Inheritance for ActiveRecord models.
Allows polymorphic loading of has_many through objects
ActiveRecord Apache Pinot Adapter
INSERT SELECT Query For ActiveRecord
This gem provides the functionality of ActiveRecord::Relation#pick for Rails 5 and 4.2 apps.
This gem provides a very simple interface where one can wrap a lambda within a timeoutable transaction and pass a...
ActiveRecord connection adapter for safe PgBouncer use
Integrate PostgreSQL's enumerated types with the Rails enum feature
Write a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
A ruby gem that makes working with Postgres arrays in ActiveRecord easier
A Rubygem that provides an easy way to build ActiveRecord models that represent PeopleSoft tables
Gives a hook on MySQL warnings that allow you to either raise or log them.
activerecord with pattern match