ActiveRecord wrapper for money gem
map activerecord models to tables depending on context
Extension for multi language of active-record.
Mimer support for ActiveRecord.
A collection of ActiveRecord::Migration extensions, including change_table_move_to_end
ActiveRecord Migration Notes hooks into the Rails migrations and monitors if the migrations contain a note methods that should be...
Sometimes you just need SQL.
The ActiveRecod MemSQL Adapter is an ActiveRecord connection adapter based on the standard mysql2 adapter.
This adapter is a customized...
Save Ruby's Logger messages to a database column
This is can use lock symbolic option for activerecord
Mass Insert For ActiveRecord via Postgresql json_to_recordset
An ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber which records only mod sql.
ActiveRecord migration methods for logging deleted records
Mock ActiveRecord tables to test concerns and other code.
ActiveRecord Stand-alone migrations
ActiveRecordMerger provides an extendable framework for merging ActiveRecord models, including complex scenarios involving associations, while ensuring data integrity and providing...
ActiveRecordMask is a small ruby library that provides an easy way to mask read access to database attributes and associations...
A useful ActiveRecord extension to handle columns containing large amounts of data
ActiveRecord integration for KSUIDs using the ksuid gem
This ActiveRecord extension adds JWT(JSON Web Token) method
An ActiveRecord adapter for Vertica databases (jdbc based)
Install this gem and require 'teradata' with JRuby on Rails.
This is a fork of ActiveRecord SQL Server Adapter for JRuby. SQL Server 2012 and upward.
Sqlite3 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.