Make ActiveRecord objects immutable.
Allows you to compare Active Record objects based on their *attributes* (with same_as?), to exclude some attributes from being used...
TO DO *is* a description
Recursively traverse trees using a single SQL query
HBase ActiveRecord adapter based on HipsterSqlToHbase
Just use instance.hat(<attribute>) to get the human attribute name translation for the attribute
Gives ActiveRecord where hashes more power like the ability to gt or like
Unique token strings for your activerecord models
Adds a :default => true, or :default => {attributes} options to has_one associations that auto-build the association when accessed.
Allow attributes stored in cents to be converted to dollars
N+1 count query killer for ActiveRecord
Grouping the enum of ActiveRecord
GitLab stores any patches relating to ActiveRecord here
Fuse attributes from associated models with ActiveRecord
Use this gem to auto define Finite State Machine on ActiveRecord with one column named `status`.
extend active records with simple archiving mechanics
Allows easy adding of helper methods for ActiveRecord models.
Adds model translations allow you to translate your models' attributes
A bunch of helpful methods for ActiveRecord
Easy-to-use handlersocket from existing ActiveRecord Models
Efficient Rails group count if you need the summed up count instead of the hash. Can be used with Kaminari...
Welcome to my first Ruby gem. In this game, players compete for the highest score by rolling a die and...