Adds simple interface-like behavior to Ruby
Control calls in real time via XMPP Ad-Hoc Commands and PubSub
This gem provides the XMPP plugin to Adhearsion, allowing your Adhearsion application to send and receive messages and react to...
Adhearsion plugin for stats. Reports via statsd.
Report Adhearsion application exceptions and deployments to:
Airbrake / Errbit
This gem is an Adhearsion plugin that handles the Rails related stuff
Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in Ruby.
Loquacious provides a very open configuration system written in ruby...
An Adhearsion Plugin providing LDAP configurability
This provides a consistent way of implementing Interactive Voice Response prompts, including reprompting and error handling
Sinatra Integration
Provides database connection for Adhearsion using Sequel
AdHocTemplate is a template processor with simple but sufficient rules for some ad hoc tasks.
An Adhearsion Plugin providing Asterisk-specific dialplan methods, AMI access, and access to Asterisk configuration
Adds speech recognition support to Adhearsion as a plugin
this is wholly useless, for learning
Acts As Solr
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Tools for the AbRUPt project.
Handle postgres style partitions in ActiveRecord
A gem that adds simple mechanism to deal with localization of Active Record models