ActiverecordDataImporter is enable to load and import file (format is csv, json) for ActiveRecord's model. For example, when you must...
Helping functionality for filtering, sorting and stuff like that with data-tables and ActiveRecord.
Allows you to easily specify default values for attributes on new model objects.
Activerecord utilities/extensions that will helps to make day-to-day application development easily.
Adds *_formatted and *_formatted= methods to all rails model's date attributes
A utility to bulk load test data for performance testing.
Support for unsigned columns and comments in ActiveRecord Schema Dumps. Useful for those squared, pesky DBA's.
cursor pagination for ActiveRecord
Extends ActiveRecord to support covering indexes in PostgreSQL using the INCLUDE clause.
N+1 count query killer for ActiveRecord
Aids you in migrating legacy model data. Saves its progress in the database and is able to resume after interruptions.
ActiveRecord extension for cursor based pagination.
Cursor-based pagination for ActiveRecord.
Allows you to use postgresql CTE in ActiveRecord
A modified version of CSV Import using activerecord-import
This plugin currently implements constraints for PostgreSQL only. It
should provide a structure for a more abstract implementation.
Provides proxy-based connection switching logic for ActiveRecord.
Custom preloader for ActiveRecord.
Concurrently adds database indexes
A DSL for defining ActiveRecord concerns
Compatible migration file between Rails 4.2 and 5+
Manage comments for SQL tables and columns