Add notifications for ActiveRecord objects
Encode Trees in RDBMS using nested interval method for powerful querying and speedy inserts.
The active record's adapter to the database created by Movable Type
Make user messageable!;-)
Weighted majority voting system for qualitative (categorical) items (i.e.assuming the set of decision has no natural ordering). As a measure...
Provides an easy means for creating models that act like enumerations or lookup
tables. You can specify the lookup values...
This acts_as extension does everything acts_as_list does, but it also works in single table inheritance designs and accepts less brain-damaged...
Menus, Links, SEO, Rails
DRYing up Many-to-Many Relationships in ActiveRecord
Acts as Likeable
real quick gem to add keywords across multiple models
A Rails plugin that will ensure an ActiveRecord object is immutable once
saved. Optionally, you can specify attributes to be...
Description of ActsAsHoldable.
Extends Active Record to add simple function for draw the Force Directed Graph with html.
A very simple acts as graph for your model
Whitelist-based HTML sanitizer.
acts_as_follower is a Rubygem to allow any model to follow any other model. This is accomplished through a double polymorphic...
Acts as Flux Capacitor is a better way to work with time-centric ActiveRecord models. Make it feel good to manipulate...
act_as_flashcard is an adaptation of the Anki space repetition algorithm for rails applications