Easy install adcurve support in to your spree ecommerce site
Simplifies the use of AdCopy puzzles within rails applications
A Gem tuned specifically to authenticate to Active Directory's flavor of ldap. Very bare-bones
This is the official adcloud API gem. If you have any problems or requests please contact api@adcloud.com.
Simple Apple push notification service gem
Based on the APNS gem by James Pozdena http://github.com/jpoz/apns
Interface to Microsoft (Yahoo!) adCenter SOAP API
omg is adc up yet
Syncronize production datatase with local with one command
Another Database Cleaner
Ruby library for basic access to Android devices through ADB using ddmlib.jar which is included Android SDK Tools via Rjb...
Run adb command with peco
A driver with Seleium-like interface to interact with Android devices directly via ADB
Get from connected Android devices brand, model, OS version and many more usefull info. Install, uninstall apps. Pull and push...
Simple wrapper over Android Debug Bridge command-line tool
A Batch API plugin that provides a RESTful syntax, allowing clients to make any number of REST calls with a...
A full featured library for working with Microsofts Active Directory in Ruby.
An Active Directory environments pentest tool complementary to existing ones like NetExec
Adash is a Dash Replenishment Service CLI client.
You will login with OAuth (Login with Amazon) and replenish items.
Create truth tables and let truthy handle the annoying part. Also, operate with logical gates like AND and OR.