An easy way to include external video services in a rails app. This gem provides you wrappers for the most...
A gem make a model attribute acts as a type
Tumblr Essentials
Model gets: root, siblings, ancestors, descendants and other methods for tree navigation
ActsAsTreeDiagram extends ActsAsTree to add simple function for draw tree diagram with html.
A gem that adds simple support for organizing ActiveRecord models into parent–children relationships.
ActiveRecord extension that serializes destroyed records into a trash table from which they can be restored. This is intended to...
ActsAsTranslated is an acts_as for ActiveRecord that allows easy attribute translation.
add a translate box at the bottom of page.
Ruby on Rails plugin for easy translation of database fields.
Track activities in your ActiveRecord models.
Make ActiveRecord models easily searchable via tokens.
Multiple tokens for Rails application.
creates a random token number
Record one item's start and finish time
Any Ruby class with a start time and an end time will be more intuitive with ActsAsTimeFrame. It supports determining...
ActsAsTextcaptcha provides spam protection for Rails models with text-based
logic question captchas. Questions are fetched from Rob Tuley's
It adds support for Delayed Job.
Integrates multi-tenancy into a Rails application in a convenient and out-of-your way manner
In the event that you do not want to clutter your production databases with what could be temporary data you...
Description of ActsAsTemplate.
It hears you but doesn't care.