ActsAsScrubbable helps you scrub your database the easy way with mock data at the ActiveRecord level
Parse multibook, multiverse bible references of the form: Acts 1:1-10; Eph 1:5-10; John 12:4
A simple plugin that allows to keep track of the users activity. Common uses could be user's wall, public timeline...
Description of ActsAsScope.
SCD models have identities and multiple time-limited iterations (revisions) per identity
Rails gem to allowing records to be saveable
Sanitizable concern to sanitize attributes the way you like
Sane ActiveRecord tree builder
use the type of integer in the STI(Single Table Inheritance)
A rails plugin use redis to sort models on real time.
Wraps RoleModel up to make role based authorization really easy in Rails >= 3.2.
Use a field to store plain-text roles and manage them easily
acts_as_revisable enables revision tracking, querying, reverting and branching of ActiveRecord models. Inspired by acts_as_versioned.
Reviews for any AR model with multi-dimensional ratings and review commentary.
Just like acts_as_list, but allows updating through standard restful methods.
User resource management gem.
acts_as_reportable provides ActiveRecord support for Ruby Reports
Simplifies handling of pseudo removed records.
Make Active Recored acts as relationable.
This 'acts_as' extension provides multi-table inheritance for rails models.
Flexible, configurable, and easy to use with the defaults. Supports 3 different ways to manage rating statistics.