Use dynamic attributes in your classes
adds getter and setters for an existing attribute to covnert between seconds, minutes, hours, and days
Add a quack method to objects
A Rails plugin that adds the ability to easily create an options list out of an ActiveRecord object
Directed Acyclic Graph hierarchy for Rail's ActiveRecord, supporting Rails 4.x
ActsAsDiffable provides a dead-simple way to compare two instances of a class, including any or all associations, or more complex...
This 'acts_as' extension provides the capability for having a default object. The class that has this specified needs to have...
Using acts as default you can set a default row in your activerecord collection, also for has_many relationships
Handle currencies on your ActiveModel with ease
Bring a little bit of Marcus Crafter awesomeness into your responses with this Rack Middleware
By tagging all the text nodes in the HTML content, this gem enables highlighting text and saving those highlights with...
this gem will try to reduce the use of lines of your code when you are trying to find how...
Description of AboutPage.
Rails 3 gem to treat an attribute as a decimal (getting and setting floating-point values) but storing it as an...
Ruby on Rails gem to provide simple and easy commenting system for any model.
adds daterange to AR models
acts_as_dated_detail enables versioning of attributes by timestamp
The Access Data framework for Ruby on Rails.
This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities a application to allow to generate meaning ful urls for SEO perpose.
acts_as_dashboard makes it easy to create dashboards in Rails apps. Very little configuration is required. Read the docs to get...
Adds directed acyclic graph functionality to ActiveRecord.