Amazon Redshift _makeshift_ adapter for ActiveRecord 4.
Allows you to mark a column in a model as a HStore column letting you pass in a hash for...
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
ActiveRDF adapter to Redland RDF store
an RDF database for usage in ActiveRDF (based on sqlite3)
Offers object-oriented access to RDF (with adapters to several datastores).
Use runit to manage a mongrel cluster
Queues and Background Job Runners are becoming as ubiquitous to Rails applications as Databases. Why not treat each of them...
Raw sql with ruby - ideal for reports, large queries, separating SQL from code logic and CQRS
This gem use create-react-app and react-admin to automaticly build an admin panel easyly customizable
A spaced-repetition system to be used with ActiveRecord models
Set ActiveRecord models to delete themselves after a fixed time, or when a certain criteria is met.
Make queries as you filter and save
Simple pub-sub message bus for Rails built on top of ActiveSupportNotifications
This gem make easier to building modern web 2.0 portals using Ruby on Rails.
ActivePayment is an abstraction layer for different Payment-Interfaces (XML, JSON)
A Rails profiling suite.
Library to define LLM prompts and evaluate them using multiple providers (OpenAI, Replicate etc.)
Contains everything necessary to build and run projection servers for Rails Disco.
Projections process events into database...