Arquiva movimentos conta-corrente, conta-cartao do activobank no bigquery. Permite apagar/recriar movimentos/rendas ja no bigquery. Permite ainda classificar movimentos no bigquery.
A/B test analysis library for Ruby
Simply exposes a login shell to a web browser. This is currently
nowhere near to production quality, so...
Integration gem for test automatisation based on page-object
A gem that helps creating project templates.
ActiveRecord::Base#count and other calculations as subqueries. Instead of nice Rails grouping calculation feature, \
Abacus is an xdxf parser and semantic toolset for Ruby.
Ruby API to Abacos
Get a list of Federal Reserve E-Payments Routing Directory
Used for generating ABA (Australian Banking Association) files.
Simple and real-life tested Rails::Engine admin interface
A DRb client to access the activeoutline service. Used to lookup pages or links.
A DRb server which accepts the name of a page or link to be fetched. Uses an XML lookup file...
Active Object是用来访问LightCloud/TokyoCabinet/TokyoTyrant的工具,实现了持久化数据与对象的映射。 它类似于ActiveRecord,提供一组访问LightCloud/TokyoCabinet/TokyoTyrant的方法以及验证规则、回调函数和观察器。
ActiveNetsuite to Netsuite is what ActiveRecord to RDBMS.
active navbar is used to set the active menu link, a link becomes active when you click on it.
Persistent ORM for OrientDB(V.3), based on ActiveModel
ActiveOperation is a micro-framework for modelling business processes.
Extends ActiveRecord with functionality to perform OLAP queries on your data. Includes helper method to ease displaying the results.
Form objects for ActiveRecord models.
An ActiveRecord-backed collection of models for storing and retrieving nutritional information from the USDA's Nutrient Database.
Notify message through webhooks.