A plugin for Payline support in Active Merchant.
This gem integrate Rails with pay2go(智付寶).
A plugin for Ogone support in ActiveRecord.
A patch for active_merchant_ideal to support multiple certificates.
iDEAL payment gateway for ActiveMerchant (see http://www.ideal.nl and http://www.activemerchant.org/)
EveryPay gateway for Active Merchant
This gem provides integration of ClickandBuy with Active Merchant
Active Merchant extension to support Inovio payment gateway (f.k.a. Argus)
Provides an interface to ANZ for the Activemerchant library, fork of github@anujluthra's work
Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is written by Tobias Luetke,...
Adds Banklink support to ActiveMerchant library. Banklink is provided by major banks in the Baltic states.
ActiveMeasure is vendor agnostic metrics library for Ruby and Rails.
A rails plugin to add active_merchant patch for Taiwan payment
Median and percentile for Active Record, Mongoid, arrays, and hashes
ActiveMaterialIcon is an additional menu icon for active_material https://github.com/vigetlabs/active_material. It is specified for branch nh-responsive-redesign.
Fast, simple, declarative way to design your API's view layer
Applications that have complex email sending logic have DRYness problems. ActiveMailer solves that by making a legitimate email model where...
Provides an ORM interface to the data of any AppleScript-enabled application. Useful for querying and scripting any Mac application in...
ActiveRecord/ActiveModel's like interface for Lucene
ActiveLLM: Integrate Large Language Models with Rails
working towards getting active ldap to work on rails 3
'ActiveLdap Fabrication' is an ActiveLdap adapter for Fabrication. It means that you can use Fabrication as fixture replacement for ActiveLdap.
'ActiveLdap' is a ruby library which provides a clean
objected oriented interface to the Ruby/LDAP library. It was...
Add the essential kit for rails ActiveRecord models and be happy.